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uncertainty across France

Marching towards a general strike movement

On Tuesday, February 7, the main trade union organizations of employees and youth called for a general strike, in opposition to the pension reform. Thus, this protest movement is the first to mobilize all sectors of the economy for several years, thus causing uncertainty as to the evolution of the situation throughout France.

The transport sector

The SNCF launched its third day of strike this Tuesday, February 7. This action was called by the main unions such as the CGT Cheminots and SUD Rail. The Unsa and the CFDT, which are not concerned by the movement, however maintain their strike for Wednesday, February 8 next.

Great uncertainty hangs over the strike for Saturday, February 11, and a demonstration could even be organized. Public transport in the Ile-de-France region will be disrupted on Tuesday 7, that’s for sure, while the inter-union of representative organizations of the RATP has called for another strike on February 11.

On the aeronautics side, the USACcgt controllers’ union called for a strike on Tuesday, February 7.

The energy sector also affected

Unions in the energy sector have not been left out. Electricity and gas companies (EDF, electricity and gas industries) have been called to strike for 6, 7 and 8 February.

The CGT TotalEnergies, for its part, launched a 48-hour strike on February 7 and 8, against the 72 hours initially planned. This movement will consist of a blockage of the company’s activity during these 48 hours, with the motto “nothing goes in, nothing goes out”.

Uncertain consequences for the whole country

This general strike movement has therefore created great uncertainty as to the evolution of the situation throughout France. The big question that arises is whether or not the action of the unions will be followed by their members and whether they will succeed in achieving their objectives.

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