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Uncertainty about the future of President Pedro Sánchez opens an unprecedented political stage in Spain

The uncertainty about whether the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, will resign from office next Monday the 29th, after a complaint against his wife for alleged corruption based on press publications, opens an unprecedented stage in Spain with the Catalan regional elections and the European ones. just around the corner.

Sánchez’s announcement this Wednesday, in a letter addressed to citizens published on the social network Government and left-wing formations, or to criticize their attitude, considered “victimism” by the right-wing opposition (Popular Party) and the extreme right (Vox).

In parallel to the political reactions, the Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office requested the archive of the investigation opened into the president’s wife after the complaint filed in court by the far-right organization Manos Liminas.

In a statement, its general secretary, Miguel Bernad, admitted today that his action was based on journalistic information, for whose veracity or not those who published it will be responsible..

The Collective of Public Officials Clean Hands is a “union” founded in 1995 by Miguel Bernad that has filed all types of complaints against what it considers political or economic corruption that harms the general interest.

Berard was recently acquitted by the Supreme Court after being convicted by the Spanish National Court of extorting banks and companies.

The self-proclaimed union put Infanta Cristina, sister of King Felipe VI, on the bench in 2016, in the trial against her then husband, Iñaki Urdangarín, for two crimes against the Public Treasury of which she was acquitted.

The Prosecutor’s Office argued that there is no evidence of a crime that justifies the opening of criminal proceedings against Sánchez’s wife, sources familiar with the case told EFE today.

The document presented by the self-proclaimed union indicates that, taking advantage of her status, Begoña Gómez would have recommended or endorsed with her signature businessmen who participate in public tenders.

It also indicates that one of the businessmen who was awarded tenders of 10 million euros later organized a master’s degree directed by Sánchez’s wife at the Africa Center, of the Instituto de Empresa study center.

More context: President Pedro Sánchez publishes letter communicating his future in Spanish politics

Uncertainty about the future of President Pedro Sánchez opens an unprecedented political stage in Spain

According to Manos Liminas, the Spanish airline Air Europa “agreed to pay 40,000 euros per year to the defendant’s Africa Center” and that “the agreement between Globalia (owner of the airline) and the Instituto de Empresa included the delivery of 15,000 euros per year on first class flights for the accused and her team.”

In the statement sent to the media, Bernad states that, upon seeing that the Prosecutor’s Office “was not acting ex officio”, he decided to file a complaint so that a court could “verify their veracity” and assures that he has exercised “a citizen’s right and duty.” ”.

Now it is up to the judge, he says, to verify whether said journalistic information is true or not.

In the note, Bernad sees Sánchez’s reaction as “unacceptable” by calling them an “extreme right-wing organization” and implying that they are part of “a right-wing campaign against him, which – he said – is false.”

After Sánchez communicated his decision to the citizens through the letter on the social network

Meanwhile, the conservative opposition and the extreme right (Vox) agree in accusing him of being a “victimist.”

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, considered it “unacceptable frivolity” that Sánchez has taken five days to reflect on a possible resignation and said that it is an insult to voters.

“He has said that he takes five days to think about himself and he has been thinking about himself for five years. Enough already. No Spaniard can abandon and evade his responsibilities, much less the one who holds the presidency of the Government,” said Núñez Feijóo at a press conference after stating that in Spain no one is outside the law.

Sánchez’s decision comes in a complex political scenario in Spain, two weeks before the Catalan regional elections, whose campaign begins today, and with the European elections in June.

This midnight the Catalan campaign begins in which the President of the Government will not be there over the weekend supporting the socialist candidate, Salvador Illa, who leads the polls.

With information from EFE.

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