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Unceremonious life of Ivan Konev. Marshal had to fight even after Victory Day | History | free time

“His favorite lilac was blooming, with which the whole dacha was planted. And he came out to the table handsome, shining with ORDERS … ”- his granddaughter Elena Koneva tells about the Marshal of the AiF. .

To not get angry

– In January 1945, our troops liberated Auschwitz. But Konev himself did not go to the concentration camp then …

“Auschwitz was a killing machine. And today it seems: the birds do not sing there, there is no movement of air … Grandfather refused to go there, realizing that he could not afford to look at all that horror. To not get angry.

– At the same time, I was thinking about art treasures that could have perished in Krakow, Prague, Dresden.

– He thought not only about the paintings, but also about how to save beautiful places for posterity. That’s why he used a signature maneuver: he took the city in pincers, leaving a “corridor” for the enemy to leave. This is how the stunning beauty of Krakow was preserved. Konev did not want to be like the fascists, who destroyed, for example, Peterhof … I suppose that was the style of all our commanders – they did not destroy the ancient cities. Grandfather preserved the Uterus Boska Częstochowa in Poland – after all, this is an Orthodox shrine. Having liberated the monastery, he placed guards near the icon. And then the monks prayed there for him.

– A special case is the rescue of the “Sistine Madonna” in Dresden.

– She was found in mined adits. In a terrible state. The war was on its way out. They called specialists from Moscow. And the grandfather, in order to quickly deliver the painting for restoration, offered his plane. Art critic Sokolova objected: “What are you doing! She can break!” Konev was taken aback: “Well, I’m flying on it!” Sokolova: “Well, you are a marshal, and she is a Madonna!” For a unique woman, a special railway staff was organized. Since then, in difficult situations, they joked about the grandfather: “Well, you are a marshal, not a Madonna!” The restored painting, by the way, was returned to the Dresden Gallery. And not only her. Our government handed over almost all the saved treasures of the museum to the GDR.

– Ivan Stepanovich met Victory in Prague. But the fighting continued there.

– At the Olshansky cemetery there are many graves of our Red Army soldiers who died on May 10, 11, 12 … Now half of Czech historians assure that Soviet soldiers were poisoned by burnt vodka. But if you listen to them, then we did not liberate Prague either.

The inhabitants of Prague joyfully greet the Soviet soldiers of the liberators, led by Marshal Ivan Konev.
The inhabitants of Prague joyfully greet the Soviet soldiers of the liberators, led by Marshal Ivan Konev. Photo: RIA Novosti/ Anatoly Egorov

– And in Vienna, Konev had an amazing story with a doctor.

– After the war, my grandfather developed an ulcer. Our doctors seemed to suggest surgery. Calling Joseph Vissarionovich, grandfather heard: “Try. But remember what happened to Comrade Frunze.” Maybe it’s a tale? Nevertheless, a Nazi was brought to his grandfather from the POW camp. And he advised: “Go hunting! Drink milk, go for a walk. Grandpa obeyed. And after 10 days he returned healthy. The ulcer, of course, did not disappear. However, the aggravation was removed. Then Ivan Stepanovich tried to find that German. But he seemed to have fallen under the Nuremberg Tribunal.

– How did the family celebrate Victory Day?

– After the war, my grandfather commanded the Carpathian military district, and it was not easy – Bandera remained. I still had to fight. Later, on May 9, he participated in the parade on Red Square, we all went to the demonstration. And then there was lunch at the cottage. Grandfather returned beautiful, shining with orders. For him it was the most joyful holiday. His favorite lilac was blooming, with which the whole dacha was planted … We are trying to preserve the tradition of May 9th. Now, with members of the Victory Generals Memorial Fund, we are going to the Kremlin wall. And then at the table we raise a glass to our ancestors.

– Konev didn’t really like alcohol, and he couldn’t eat everything because of the ulcer. What was the festive table like?

“Grandfather didn’t drink at all. There were also dietary options. But … an ulcer is an ulcer, and he loved herring with baked potatoes, cabbage soup, tea and drying with poppy seeds. They tried to make a fish pie, as in his homeland (born in the Vologda province. – Ed.) But it didn’t work out so tasty. He himself brought perch from the Ikshinsky reservoir, and his wife Antonina Vasilievna cooked fish soup. He liked ice fishing. If he rested where there were reservoirs, he tried to go fishing.

With the eyes of an ensign

Marshal passed away 50 years ago. But I found films about the war …

He didn’t watch much TV. But the documentary “If your home is dear to you …” he liked it. Konev, Zhukov and Simonov told about the Moscow battle in it. He was also a consultant on Ordynsky’s film “Red Square”. This is a story about the formation of the Red Army. The main roles were played by Shalevich and Malyavina. After the death of his grandfather, Vyacheslav proudly told that he was the only artist who had the honor to stand on the Mausoleum – Konev achieved the stage of seeing off the troops to the front. He also gave advice to the director of “Liberation” Ozerov. But the film was treated coldly. And Legkov, who played him, did not like it. As Sergei Nikonenko recalled, Konev, seeing this artist in two episodes, said: “A man with the eyes of an ensign cannot play a marshal.” The poor actor was removed from the role, and in the three remaining parts, Shukshin wore Konev’s tunic. Vasily Makarovich even shaved his head…

– The village peasant Shukshin, therefore, had marshal’s eyes?

– I can’t help but believe Nikonenko – after all, they must have been together at a closed screening.

– Did the family love drinking songs? Previously, on holidays, they not only drank, but also sang …

“Grandfather never sang!” Probably not a rumor. At the same time, he understood music, even though he did not go to the conservatory to listen to Tchaikovsky or Bach. However, in honor of the holidays, amazing concerts were held. On November 7, May 1, February 23, the entire color of our art performed, starting with the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater. Stalin liked opera and classical music. At concerts, his entourage also happened to him … Of all the songs, grandfather loved one – “Through the wild steppes of Transbaikalia, where they dig gold in the mountains …”. She reminded him of his youth, which fell on the years of the civil war.

And after the Great Patriotic War, he spoke in detail about his operations – Berlin, Prague … With the names of all parts! The memory was phenomenal. And these events turned out to be the brightest in life.

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