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Unbreakable Bond: Tereza Kopov and Luisa Vrabelov – A Story of Friendship and Shared Humor


Tereza Kopov:⁣ Stejnm smyslem pro humor.⁣ Zdnliv oteklma oima. Profilem. ​Vchovou, kterou u‍ ns obou maj ‌trochu nedobrovoln dodnes ⁢pod kontrolou moji rodie, dky Luise v mimodn form navzdory vku.
Luisa‌ Vrabelov:‌ Mme stejn vkus, chut a smysl ⁤pro humor. A kopovskou ​tvrdohlavost. Pestoe si mma mysl, ⁣e ji nem.


Tereza ‍Kopov: ⁤Moc⁣ se‌ nad tm nepousmvm. Zatm je bordel, jakm jsem byla v jejm vku. A moje ‍vlastn domcnost ze mne udlala pkladnou hospodyku. A j z n zatm lm, stejn jako moje⁤ mma kdysi ze mne.
Luisa Vrabelov:‍ Mma rda k, e se vichni fyzici shodli. A pak‍ mi ekne nco jako, e‍ jsem jenom vlnka, nebo e n stl⁣ nen, protoe hmota vlastn neexistuje. Kdy jsem to ale zkouela j na ni, protoe jsem chtla est koek, tak ekla, e ⁣jsou hmotn⁣ a moc a e nm v⁢ byt udlaj bordel. Ukecala jsem to aspo na ti.


Tereza Kopov: Kdy mi⁢ v pti letech ⁤zmizela v Alpch a j nevdla, do kterho ze t dol zajela a jak maj Rakuan takov⁣ akce poeen. A kdy mi v sedmi nepochopiteln zmizela v lesku ​u Zlna, a jsem zoufale volala zsahovku, se kterou jsem ​tam toila Metanol. Proti tomu bylo jejch sedm zlomench ⁢obratl pehledn zleitost beze strachu, protoe jsem ji mla pod kontrolou.
Luisa Vrabelov: Nejvt strach jsem o mmu o mla, kdy ⁢se⁢ mi ztratila v lese a j mla u sebe jej⁢ telefon. Zdlo se mi blb volat ⁣policii: Ztratila se mi matka.


Tereza Kopov: ‌Pro mne pln nov vjem a deep dive nejen do moe, ale i do sebe. Jak lovk pekon sv zdnliv limity. Jak do t hloubky v podstat pat a jak lituje, e jsme se z n⁤ kdysi dvno rozhodli vystoupit. pln magie. I kdy samozejm pes jakkoli trnink, a j mm za sebou ‌jen rychlokurz, tko dostupn. O to ⁣krsnj.
Luisa Vrabelov: Zeptejte se m matky, protoe​ na ⁤ten kurz‍ free dive mne nevzala.​ Co byla mimochodem asi prvn⁣ vc ​za mj​ ivot, kterou dlala beze mne. Kdy ji vidm zajet do hloubky, ⁢km si jen: Matko, neumrej!


Tereza Kopov: Za jej vnmavost, schopnost ⁤vctit se a sprvn, empaticky rozhodovat v jakkoli situaci. V podstat mimo m chpn.‌ Od malinka je mi schopn vysvtlit,⁣ i ⁤jak se⁢ mm vyznat sama⁣ v sob.
Luisa Vrabelov: To je spousta‍ vc V posledn dob i za to, e se sna pestat kouit. A hlavn za to, co to. Asi nejvc za Smysl pro tumor seril, co te​ dodlv. Ten ‌mi pipad vn dokonal.


Tereza‍ Kopov: Sname se vybalancovat rzn pohledy a navzjem se ovlivnit, ale tko pemhm svoje bitk soudy, ​co mi ⁣Luisa vyt. I kdy je trousm s nadhledem a lskou k blinmu, prost jen jako pozorovn. Jej generace​ soudy a objektivn pozorovn odmt. Zajmav jev.
Luisa‌ Vrabelov: My se shodneme vdycky na vem, akort se u toho ⁤obas dost hdme a nakonec odejdeme ⁣kad se svm‌ nzorem.


Tereza Kopov: Asi ve vnmn film a ‍divadla. Luis je u od ranho vku velmi pouenm divkem. Formuluje​ docela pesn, co si myslm, dv, ne to‍ eknu. Dobr mimo jin i jako nezaten pohled na m vlastn ‌projekty.
Luisa Vrabelov: Kdy spolu hrajeme‌ koledy ​na⁤ piano. (smch) Ba ne, notujeme si nejvc⁤ v tom, e ns bav stejn vci.


Tereza Kopov: Velk satisfakce. Vechny⁤ tyTereza Kopov and Luisa Vrabelov: Two Peas in a Pod

Tereza Kopov and Luisa ‍Vrabelov, two best friends from the Czech Republic, share a unique bond that goes beyond friendship. They describe ⁤themselves as​ “one blood” and credit‍ their similar ‌sense of humor, taste, and stubbornness for their strong connection.

Despite their close ​relationship, they also acknowledge their differences. Tereza admits that Luisa’s habit of creating chaos and messiness in her surroundings ⁤is something she finds‍ hard to laugh at. On the other hand, Luisa ​finds amusement in⁣ Tereza’s mother’s philosophical musings about the nature of⁤ reality.

Both Tereza and ‌Luisa have had moments of fear for each other’s safety. Tereza recalls the time when Luisa‍ disappeared‍ in⁢ the Alps⁤ at the ‍age of five, leaving her clueless ⁢about which valley she had ventured into. Similarly, Luisa remembers the panic she felt when Tereza went missing in a forest near Zlín and ⁤she had to‍ call the police, fearing the worst.

One of their shared experiences is their recent⁢ interest in ⁤free diving. ‍Tereza describes it as a new and profound experience that allows her⁢ to push her perceived⁢ limits and explore the depths‍ of both the ocean and‌ herself. However, Luisa’s mother, who is also an ⁢avid free⁣ diver, refused to ⁣take her on a ⁤diving course, causing ‌some tension between them.

When asked about what they are most proud of in each other, Tereza admires Luisa’s sensitivity, empathy, and ability to make the right decisions in any situation. Luisa, on⁤ the other‌ hand, commends Tereza for‌ her efforts to quit⁣ smoking and her commitment to the TV series “Smysl pro tumor,” which she⁤ finds incredibly entertaining.

While they try⁤ to balance their different perspectives and influence ⁣each other, they admit that they often engage in heated debates and leave with their own opinions intact. Tereza finds it interesting how Luisa’s generation ⁢rejects judgment and objective observation, while Luisa acknowledges their ability to agree on most things but still argue before ultimately accepting‌ each other’s views.

Their shared love for film and theater is another aspect that brings them together. Luisa, who has been a keen observer from a young age, often ⁤formulates Tereza’s‌ thoughts and feelings before she even expresses them. ⁣They also enjoy playing Christmas carols on the piano together, finding joy in their shared ‌interests.

When ‍it ⁤comes to fashion, Tereza takes pride in seeing her discarded items find new life in Luisa’s wardrobe, which rejects fast fashion and embraces a more sustainable approach. Luisa, on the‍ other hand, appreciates Tereza’s vintage clothing choices and often borrows items‌ from her younger years, much to Tereza’s delight.

Their‍ daily rituals may not be‌ set⁤ in stone, ⁢but they⁢ make up for it with ‌special⁤ occasions. Going to ‍the theater, dining at fancy restaurants, indulging in a cozy night in, or embarking on a dream vacation are all part of their celebratory rituals. They prioritize experiences over routines.

When it comes to their friends,⁣ Luisa actively seeks ‌out relationships and finds her peers to be⁢ intelligent and perceptive. Tereza, on the other hand, cherishes the ⁤friendships she has made through Luisa ⁢and particularly enjoys the company of her friends’ parents.

In the end, Tereza and Luisa enrich ⁤each other’s lives. They serve as mirrors, reflecting each other’s strengths and weaknesses. ‌Their ⁤bond goes beyond friendship, creating a unique connection that ‍is both inspiring and heartwarming.
detail photograph

Jaké dovednosti⁤ a zkušenosti si vaše partnerka odnáší z kurzu free dive⁣ a jak ‍se tyto projevují v její statečnosti a nezávislosti ⁢v každodenním životě

Její rozhodnutí jít ⁤na⁤ kurz free ‌dive bez mého povědomí. Opravdu mi to ​ukazuje, jak statečná a nezávislá je.

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