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Unauto VTC’s despicable attitude in the worst moments of the coronavirus

Unauto VTC’s despicable attitude in the worst moments of the coronavirus

Cynical, deceptive, interested and emetic. This is how the Unauto VTC association is rated from the Elite Taxi Barcelona Professional Association.

And is not for less. The association that represents Transport Vehicles with a Driver -only Uber and Cabify, not the traditional ones-, has sent a letter to the president of the Generalitat, Quin Torra, taking advantage of the worst moments of the coronavirus crisis. refers.

In addition, the letter arrives just at the time when the Generalitat has just regulated the taxi service throughout Catalonia, applying a 90% reduction in the fleet to protect both taxi drivers and users.

Unauto intends to confuse public opinion and ask for an exception to the pre-hiring, as if it were a pardon.

It refers to emergency services, which, as its name indicates, corresponds only to exceptional services, which seems like a clear manipulation of language.

The Generalitat’s regulation regarding taxis within the Barcelona Metropolitan Area makes Taxi self-sufficient in the current exceptional situation, and Unauto intends to be “pardoned” from performing only VTC services, in order to also perform taxi services.

“It seems to us a despicable and vomiting act, because in addition the policies of organizations like Unauto host and operate at the dictation of well-known extractive digital platforms, they are part of the problem that we live today in public health and that are costing deaths and danger to our toilets and public servants ”, indicates Elite Taxi Barcelona in its statement.

The cynical, misleading and interested letter from Unauto VTC, to President Quim Torra

Unauto VTC’s despicable attitude in the worst moments of the coronavirus

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