candy1812 / Adobe Stock
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Freiburg (ots) –
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79576 Weil am Rhein, Grienstrasse – Sundgaustrasse – Hauptstrasse, 14.01.2023, 9:24 p.m
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At the above time, a resident reports that several neighbors heard a bang followed by a scream on Grienstrasse. A more attentive resident was able to observe shortly after the bang how a scooter driver drove on Grienstrasse in the direction of the main road and turned right there. Unfortunately, the license plate could not be read.
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Two strips of the local department went on the search. This was negative.
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A car parked properly on Grienstrasse was found on site. This had several body and paint damage. Various plastic parts and glass splinters were also found. According to initial investigations, these could be assigned to another previously unknown Mercedes vehicle.
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Accordingly, it is requested that witnesses / injured parties, in particular the scooter driver described above, contact the local office in Weil am Rhein on 07621-9797-0 in order to be able to identify a possible cause of the accident.
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PR Weil am Rhein / Woischnor – FLZ PP Freiburg
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Media inquiries please contact:
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Police Headquarters Freiburg Press Office Phone: 0761/882-0 [email protected]
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– Outside office hours – email: [email protected]
Original content from: Freiburg Police Headquarters