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Unanimously rejects the Valga sexist crime | Radio Galicia

Unanimous rejection and condemnation of the triple sexist crime of this Monday in Valga. Politicians of all colors and administrations have been at one, in different concentrations, in which minutes of silence were observed in memory of the three people killed, and in which a new case of gender violence was condemned.

Santiago de Compostela was the epicenter of several of these institutional concentrations. In San Caetano, at the gates of the Presidency of the Xunta de Galicia, the members of the Galician government gathered to keep a minute of silence in memory of the victims.

The vice president, Alfonso Rueda, presided over the event – Alberto Núñez Feijóo is in Argentina on an institutional trip – and was flanked by the Xerais councilors, directors and secretaries, as well as other workers from San Caetano.

At the end of the tribute, Igualdade’s general secretary, Susana López-Abella, attended the media, visibly moved. With glazed eyes and a broken voice, he assured that “Galicia is in mourning” and sent messages of solidarity and affection to the relatives and neighbors of the victims.

López-Abella took advantage of this “terrorist act” to request collaboration from society. The head of Igualdade had an impact on the need to reportr, but not only on the part of the victims, but also on the part of relatives, neighbors and friends, as soon as violent behavior is detected. In this case, it did not cost any type of complaint or consultation.

An hour earlier, at 12 noon, the activity in Parliament stopped to remember Sandra, Alba and María Elena. At the gates of the Pazo do Hórreo, the president of the Chamber, Miguel Ángel Santalices, presided over an act with the spokesmen and deputies of the parliamentary groups, in which the Valedora do Pobo was also present.

Santalices also called on society to ask for “vigilance” at any indication that may point to a violent attitude, adding that there were “pathological behaviors, there can be no other explanation.”

Institutional manifesto in Santiago

In the Plaza del Obradoiro, at the same time, only the ringing of the bells of the Cathedral of Santiago and the applause at the end of the tribute broke the silence. Further, the spokesmen from the PP, Alejandro Sánchez-Brunete; Compostela Aberta, Martiño Noriega; and the BNG, Goretti Sanmartín, and the councilor for Equality, Noa Díaz, They read an institutional declaration of support for the victims and feminist protests called for on September 18, and for the #EmerxenciaFeminista campaign for September 20..

The Santiago City Council joins this “feminist emergency” because “this situation cannot continue to be normalized.” So far this year in Galicia five women have been murdered. Thus, the corporation asks to stop looking “the other way” and calls for “the greatest commitment of all state institutions.”

The institutional declaration also criticized “all those messages and campaigns that contribute to the justification of gender violence and that promote its undervaluation or questioning.”

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