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UNACDMX and FUCAM sign an agreement to carry out free mammograms – Almomento

MEXICO CITY.— Within the framework of World Cancer Day, the members of the Union of Mayors of Mexico City (UNACDMX) signed an agreement with the Breast Cancer Foundation (FUCAM), with the objective of perform free mastograms for women from opposition demarcations.

During the signing of the agreement, the mayor of Benito Juárez, Santiago Taboada, detailed the importance of providing free mammograms to women, because when “He does not have the possibilities to be treated in a private hospital, he goes to the reality that is to go to a dismantled public hospital.“

“The need to accompany this type of organization [como FUCAM] it is precisely because you cover a gap that you have as a Mexican State in public health, and taking away the possibility of being financed with public resources, that even businessmen, private resources, could show solidarity with the operation of this type of organization, is not understanding that from those who need it most you are taking minutes from life”, he stressed.

As part of this agreement, actions will be carried out to support the timely detection of breast cancer during 2022, including dissemination campaigns and free mammograms.

The also spokesperson for UNACDMX reported that this agreement with FUCAM will promote a social program that will allow to absorb the cost of the study to 100 percent, “because we believe that precisely this is the public responsibility that we have to assume as a government. Because governments are not givers of water tanks, or pantries, or scholarships“.

Santiago Taboada acknowledged, on behalf of the mayors of the UNACDMX, the important work of FUCAM despite the situation they face. “Because despite the fact that their funds were cut off, they are still here; because the governments are leaving and you have shown that resilience despite the bad decisions of governments“.

While the mayor of Álvaro Obregón, Lía Limón, affirmed that the situation of cancer patients has been aggravated by the disappearance of Seguro Popular: From 2018 to 2020 alone, almost 5,000 additional deaths were recorded. In addition, between December 2019 and December 2020, 2,190 girls and boys died due to lack of access to the treatment and medicines they require.

Health is a public good and it is inconceivable to cancel public policies and withdraw support from institutions dedicated to saving lives”, highlighted and announced that this year the goal is to perform 1,350 mammograms with FUCAM.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Cuauhtémoc, Sandra Cuevas, assured: “the nine mayors [de la UNACDMX] We are going to bet on continuing to care for women, regardless of where they come from. We are going to be with you morally and economically, because it is necessary to save the lives of thousands of women to whom we reiterate that we are here to help them.”

The mayor of Magdalena Contreras, Luis Gerardo Quijano, indicated that the opposition mayors they do not share that government authorities stop supporting institutions like FUCAM, “We toured its facilities and it is full of patients, despite the pandemic and the economic crisis.”

While the founder and president for life of FUCAM, Fernando Guisa Hohenstein, thanked the mayors of the UNACDMX for being willing to deal with the problem of breast cancer. “It is truly pitiful for our people, it is truly shameful to see how women are dying because they are not treated,” Held.

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