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UN: vote to expand Palestinian rights

NY. The General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) voted yesterday, by a wide margin, in favor of granting new rights and privileges to Palestine and asked the Security Council to favorably reconsider its application to become the 194th member of the UN.

The world body approved a non-binding resolution presented by the United Arab Emirates, with 143 votes in favor, including Mexico, nine against, including the United States, Israel, Argentina, the Czech Republic and Hungary, as well as 25 abstentions.

I have been on this platform hundreds of times, often in tragic circumstances, but none comparable to what my people are currently experiencing.said the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour. Nor ever for a vote more important than today’s, historiche added.

From Ramallah, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian National Authority, stated that the vote shows that his people deserves to be a full member of the United Nations.

The resolution will an important impact for the future of the Palestinian peoplealthough in itself does not render justice to the Palestinian statesaid the Emirati ambassador, Issa Abushahab, on behalf of the Arab countries.

Palestine has a status of Observer non-member state since 2012, and last month relaunched its application to become a full member state. For this, a positive recommendation from the Security Council is needed, but the United States vetoed it on April 18.

Now, the Palestinians decided to turn to the General Assembly, where a favorable vote of two-thirds of the 193 member states was needed to approve a resolution.

The new document considers that The State of Palestine qualifies for accession to the United Nations and urges the Security Council to reexamine the issue favorably.

Washington, which opposes any recognition outside of a bilateral agreement between Palestine and Israel, its great ally, warned yesterday that if this matter returns to the Security Council the result will be similar to April.

The vote showed the division of European countries on this issue. Austria, Albania, Sweden, Romania, Croatia, Italy, Finland, Latvia and the United Kingdom abstained.

Although could end up in a kind of fatal diplomatic loop with the Assembly repeatedly asking the Council to accept Palestinian accession and the United States vetoing itaccording to Richard Gowan, an analyst with the International Crisis Group.

However, the text of the resolution immediately grants a series of additional rights and privileges to the Palestinians starting with the 79th session of the Assembly in September. It will allow them, for example, to directly present proposals and amendments without going through a third country, although they will continue without the right to vote or be elected as a member of the Security Council. The resolution also reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determinationwhat happens for your right to an independent State of Palestine and the end of the Israeli occupation.

Resolution, gift to violence for Hamas

Israel assured that the resolution that provides more rights to Palestine is a gift to violence for Hamas, whose fighters he described as the Hitlers of our timeand denounced that the new status of Palestine will complicate reaching a peace agreement.

On the UN platform, the Israeli ambassador, Gilad Erdan, accused the Assembly of granting state rights to an entity partially controlled by terrorists.

With this new precedent, we could see representatives of the Islamic State or Boko Haram sit among us herehe commented.

You are shredding the United Nations Charter. Shameful!he concluded after using a portable paper shredder to destroy a copy of the document that enshrines the UN’s objective, in one of the coups he usually resorts to.

Meanwhile, South Africa urgently requested additional provisional measures against Israel from the International Court of Justice, due to the risk of genocide in Gaza, a motion to which Libya joined.

#vote #expand #Palestinian #rights
– 2024-05-14 05:31:17

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