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UN Tempted to Recruit Artists from Aldi Taher to Charly van Houten, This is Yusril’s Reason

Yusril Ihza Mahendra (Source: Tribunnews.com)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Ahead of the 2024 General Election, it seems that the Crescent Star Party (PBB) is “tempting” to also look at artists and celebrities.

The party which is “commanded” by General Chairman Yusril Ihya Mahendra, admitted by UN Secretary General Afriansyah Noer, has indeed launched its strategy by recruiting artists to boost party electability.

Also Read: Aldi Taher Officially Recruited by the Crescent Star Party, Confident of Progressing Legislative Candidates or 2024 Pilkada

Representing Yusril, Afriansyah Noer said the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) recruited a number of artists and musicians to help attract voters, especially young people.

“This 2019-2024 period, under the general chairmanship of Mr. Yusril (Yusril Ihza Mahendra) and his secretary general, we are currently trying to open ourselves up to recruiting artists, especially young artists such as Aldi Taher, Dirga Dadali, Andhika. Kangen Band, Charlie (ST12) to help the Crescent Star Party,” said Afriansyah quoting Wartakota, after attending a gathering at the UN DPP Office in Jakarta, Saturday (5/6/2021), as quoted from his written statement.

He explained that the young artists are expected to help the party get more votes from young voters whose number is believed to reach 60 percent in the 2024 general election.

“This is the UN’s strategy to embrace millennial artist groups so that they can also embrace the power of millennials,” said Afriansyah, who is familiarly called Ferry.

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