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UN Security Council meeting over Putin’s decision on Donbass: positions of Ukraine, USA, Russia, China – Ukraine news, Politics


An emergency meeting of the UN Security Council was held in New York due to the decision of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the recognition by “republics” of the territories of Donbass occupied by the Russian Federation. Ukraine is demanding the Kremlin backtrack and withdraw its troops, the US will retaliate, China is calling for restraint, and Russia is trying to justify its actions.

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Position of Ukraine

permanent representative Sergei Kislitsa demanded from Russia cancel Putin’s decision on “recognition”, return to the negotiating table and completely withdraw the occupying forces. He also called on the UN Security Council to make recommendations for restoring peace.

He said that Ukraine regards Putin’s move as a violation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

According to him, this can be seen as Russia’s unilateral withdrawal from the Minsk agreementsignoring the decisions of the Normandy Four – and all political responsibility for the consequences lies with the Russian Federation.

He also stated that Ukraine is committed to diplomacy and will stand firm on this. “We are on our own land. We are not afraid of anything and no one. We owe nothing to anyone. And we will not give anything to anyone,” he said.

“Today, the Kremlin literally copied the decree on Georgia from 2008. Literally. Copy-paste. No creativity. The Xerox in the Kremlin works very well. Who is the next member of the UN? The question is open,” Kislitsa added.

Read also: Kuleba: World capitals don’t sleep – they are preparing sanctions for Putin’s decision on Donbass

US position

US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that Putin made a number of outrageous statements, wants to restore the Russian empire and his move is an attempt to create a pretext for further invasion of Ukraine.

She also criticized Putin’s decision to send Russian troops to the occupied part of Donbass. “He calls them peacekeepers. That’s nonsense. We know what they really are.”– said the permanent representative.

Thomas Greenfield added that Putin “teared to shreds” the Minsk agreements. She declared that the world should not be left behind, but The United States will take additional measures on February 22to hold Russia accountable.

Russia’s position

Russian Permanent Representative Vasily Nebenzya argued that the occupied parts of Donbass must be protected from alleged “Ukrainian aggression” – and the Russian Federation does not intend to “allow a bloody massacre”, reports BBC. Ukraine categorically denies any escalation on its part.

Wherein The representative of the Russian Federation insisted that Ukraine is still bound by the Minsk agreements.

China’s position

Chinese envoy Zhang Jun said: all parties must show restraint and avoid actions that could escalate. He also said that Beijing welcomes efforts towards a diplomatic solution.

Read also: “It’s a hit.” The reaction of Germany, Britain and other countries to Putin’s decision

Mark Sirovoy

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