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UN resolution against Russia has failed

New York: A resolution against the Russian invasion of Ukraine has failed in the UN Security Council. As expected, Moscow vetoed the vote in New York. Eleven of the 15 members voted in favor of the decision calling on Russia to halt its attack on Ukraine and withdraw its troops. China abstained. Western diplomats saw the vote as a success in isolating Russia diplomatically and driving a wedge between Moscow and Beijing. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Zhang said China believes that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states must be respected. – The new EU sanctions against the Russian economy and against President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov came into force during the night. The USA, Canada and Great Britain also announced sanctions against Putin and Lavrov. A spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry called the measures a “demonstration of the complete impotence of foreign policy” in the West.

Source: Bavaria 2 news, 02/26/2022 07:00 a.m

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