The UN Special Rapporteur urged US intelligence agencies to sanction the Saudi Arabian crown prince, who is known to have approved the assassination of journalist Jamal Kashqji.
In a statement posted on Twitter, the rapporteur on the UN summary execution of Agnes Kalamar said the United States should impose sanctions on Crown Prince Muhammad Binsalman’s personal assets as well as his international affairs.
They also insisted that Crown Prince Muhammad should not be given immunity privileges in relation to civil lawsuits.
Saudi Arabia urged that Kashqji’s body should be disclosed whether it was damaged at the Turkish consulate in Istanbul and how it was handled.
Earlier, the U.S. National Intelligence Service (DNI) released a report evaluating that Crown Prince Muhammad approved the murder of a Saudi dissident journalist Kashqji.
In this regard, the State Department has announced visa restrictions on 76 Saudis, and the Ministry of Finance has also imposed sanctions.
However, Prince Muhammad was not subject to sanctions.
It was evaluated that it was considering the reality that Prince Muhammad is in power and that Saudi Arabia is an alliance in the Middle East.
Kashqji was murdered in October 2018 when he went to the Saudi Consulate General in Istanbul to get marriage documents.
Kashukji’s body is known to have been destroyed and then abandoned.
(Photo = Getty Image Korea)
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