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UN General Assembly: A 1st resolution on artificial intelligence co-sponsored by Morocco and the United States

The UN General Assembly adopted, by consensus on Thursday, the first UN resolution on Artificial Intelligence (AI) initially co-sponsored by Morocco and the United States and by 123 member states until the day of its adoption. adoption.

Entitled “Seizing the opportunities offered by safe, secure and reliable artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development”, this resolution was presented to the international press last Thursday by the Ambassador Permanent Representative of the United States to the UN, Linda Thomas Greenfield, and her Moroccan counterpart Ambassador Omar Hilale.

This consensus resolution highlights the need for continued discussions on appropriate AI governance approaches that are grounded in international law, inclusive and tailored to the different needs and capacities of developed and developing countries.

In particular, it calls on Member States to promote safe, secure and reliable AI systems to address the world’s biggest challenges, including those related to poverty eradication, global health, food security, climate, energy and education.

In her intervention during this press briefing, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield welcomed the consensus around this unprecedented text, emphasizing that the 193 Member States of the United Nations spoke with one voice in favor of the governance of this new technology.

This “revolutionary and inclusive” resolution consolidates the global consensus in favor of safe, secure and reliable AI systems that promote sustainable development and respect fundamental freedoms, she said, noting that more than 120 countries representing the different regions of the world and all levels of development have given their support to this text.

The American diplomat observed, in this context, that Morocco was a main co-sponsor of this resolution, unprecedented in the annals of the United Nations.

The choice made by the United States to involve Morocco in this process testifies to the solidity and strength of the multidimensional strategic and historical partnership between Rabat and Washington. It reflects the credibility, trust and respect enjoyed by the Kingdom of Morocco at the UN and international level, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

For his part, Ambassador Hilale welcomed a historic and consensual resolution resulting from a participatory and inclusive negotiation process.

He stressed that Morocco is honored to be associated with the presentation and negotiation of this historic resolution from its conception, noting that this first resolution on Artificial Intelligence will remain engraved in the annals of the multilateral organization.

The Ambassador Permanent Representative of Morocco to the UN noted that artificial intelligence offers many advantages to developing countries, particularly African ones, in various areas of sustainable development, noting that it is for this reason that Morocco was keen to join forces with the United States on this important process, with the aim of promoting a constructive dialogue on AI between UN member states and helping to ensure that this new technology serves the common good of humanity.

He also indicated that this negotiation process resulted in a balanced and consensual resolution that establishes a common vision through which AI systems can bridge the social, digital and economic gaps between developed countries and countries. in development.

It is also, according to the ambassador, a resolution which advocates the effective, equitable and meaningful participation and representation of developing countries in international processes and forums on the governance of artificial intelligence systems and which advocates for improving digital infrastructure connectivity and access to technological innovations through stronger partnerships.

Mr. Hilale further noted that this resolution recommends increasing funding for research and innovation linked to the Sustainable Development Goals in digital technologies and artificial intelligence systems.

For the Moroccan diplomat, this resolution is not an end in itself, but the beginning of a collective enterprise to shape safe, secure and reliable artificial intelligence systems for sustainable development, which leave no one behind.

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– 2024-05-07 11:11:51

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