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UN Forecasted Eight Billionth Baby Born in Rome Hospital

Little Leonardo was born to mom Viviana in a hospital in Rome, the capital of Italy, a day before November 15 – the date on which, according to UN forecasts, the world’s population reached eight billion.

Photo: Remo Casilli/REUTERS/SCANPIX

In the program “Māmiņu klubs”, two mothers – content creators – are invited to a conversation Kristine Virsnīte un influencers Kristine Dzenite. During the conversation, they will share their thoughts about women who do not have children and mothers of many children. They will not hide it – no one has the right to judge every woman’s choice.

In the fall season, the program “Māmiņu klubs” started loud sections on topics that we rarely talk about or know too little about. One of the topics is the life of a woman without children. Kristīne Virsnīte admits and agrees that nowadays it is easier for a woman to choose to live a life without children, because society is becoming more accepting.

“Even if it’s a choice, why shouldn’t a person choose to live without children? I think we’re getting into that mindset and starting to become more accepting because at one point it absolutely didn’t feel like it, but we can allow ourselves to not go on.”

During the conversation, she admits that there will always be people who will be categorically against it, as well as relatives who will ask grandchildren, but it must be remembered that a woman’s choice remains her choice, regardless of what others say about it.

Watch the video for more:



2024-01-06 14:48:45

#VIDEO #woman #mom

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