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Umrah from the Covid-19 pandemic area violates the message of the Prophet

During this critical pandemic, there is nothing more noble than Umrah.

JAKARTA — Saudi Arabia has now opened Umrah. This is done after the pilgrimage season and the sterilization process of the Grand Mosque area. Pilgrims from Indonesia can also perform Umrah with various conditions, such as being free from Covid-19, self-isolation for two weeks in a third country, receiving injections of new vaccines other than Sinovac, and various other technical matters.

Realizing that condition, entrepreneur travel Umrah Muharom Ahmad even stated, although there are opportunities for Umrah, it should not be done now. Because, there are two things that must be considered, namely technical rules and syar’i or Islamic law.

”It’s okay to perform Umrah, but it’s still not easy. For those who are rich and capable, it is possible, but is it possible for them to perform Umrah for up to 34 days? Is it okay if he has a business? Because Hajj plus only at normal times is only 21 days,” said Muharom in a joint conversation Republic, Wednesday (28/7).

Then, continued Muharom, is it possible for pilgrims this time to perform Umrah with a mediocre economy? They are now having a hard time paying for their daily living, can they afford to live in another country these days? ”Remember, today’s umrah is not umrah in a normal atmosphere. Surely the price and the challenge will be doubled. Will they be able to reach?”

“Besides, if I’m honest, Umrah during the pandemic can only be done once. In Mecca, they can’t go back and forth for Umrah or are free to travel anywhere. They only stay in hotels and only perform Umrah once. Enter the Grand Mosque must be scheduled no can any time. Seeing like this, is it still comfortable to perform Umrah? You also have to eat rice wrapped in a package in the hotel. So, don’t imagine being as festive as it was before the pandemic,” he said.

And on the side of syar’i rules, Muharom asserted, whether to leave or leave the area of ​​the plague in accordance with the teachings of Islam, namely the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW? Because, it is very clear that there is an authentic hadith that forbids a person to leave the area where there is a pandemic or epidemic. So, there the Prophet SAW has very clearly forbade it.

”Well, at that point I thought and pondered. Indeed, as an entrepreneur, the news of the opening of Umrah is pleasant and has already imagined the benefits. But, does this need to be done? Umrah is not mandatory, especially during an epidemic. What is mandatory now is to help others affected by the pandemic. Funds for Umrah are better distributed to those in need. This is more noble and Islamic,” he said.

Imagine, continued Muharom, even though you have the physical and spiritual ability to perform Umrah at this time, is it right that the ears and conversations in social media groups still hear the sad news of people who have died, are self-isolating, or are experiencing economic difficulties due to the pandemic? And it’s neighbors, relatives, or colleagues themselves. ”So, at this time it’s better to just give the Umrah funds that will be used to them. That is, again, much nobler.”

Not only that, said Muharom, Muslims must also be aware that Islamic teachings are not only for personal piety, but are a reflection of themselves who have social piety. Umrah at this very difficult time can actually distance oneself from Islamic religious values.

”So, the moral message, do Umrah later in a period that is already normal. Right now, if you feel capable, help those who are suffering due to the covid pandemic. Help the families who died, who were threatened with starvation, lost,”said Muharom again.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Ghapura (Association of Hajj and Umrah Entrepreneurs Nusantara) Baluki Ahmad also agreed that at this time it was better for Muslims to postpone the departure of Umrah. This is because, apart from the fact that Indonesia is still in a pandemic, there are more noble social needs to fulfill. Sadness is everywhere. The threat of adversity is very real. In fact, there are many people who seem to be able to actually eat hard because they have lost their source of income.

”From the syar’i argument, it is clear that there is a valid hadith forbidding leaving the area that is being affected by the epidemic. From a technical point of view, the rules for Umrah are difficult to fulfill. From a moral point of view, do you have the heart to leave relatives and neighbors whose lives are in danger? This is clearly very un-Islamic. Helping them is much more important now than going for Umrah,” said Baluki.

On the other hand, said Baluki, Muslims must also understand if there is worship that actually has a reward equivalent to Umrah. One of them is to sincerely pray Shuru ‘(before dawn/dawn). ”Well, this is the right thing to do during this pandemic. The reward is the same as the reward for Umrah. This is a lot of Muslims who do not know.”

” Besides, I know when there’s a party have the need Umrah because he is physically and mentally capable, most of them have done it more than once. They want to keep repeating and repeating. The reason is classic, already miss the Baitullah. This feeling the hell good, but not right in this time of pandemic. Be aware and understand that,” said Baluki emphasized.

Saudi Arabia Rules

The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia mentioned nine countries that were unable to make direct flights, namely India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa and Lebanon.

Umrah pilgrims from nine countries must transit in a third country outside the nine countries to quarantine for 14 days before flying to Saudi Arabia.

In addition to the age requirement of 18 years and over, Saudi Arabia requires Umrah pilgrims to be fully vaccinated with one of these four vaccines: AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

However, for Umrah pilgrims who are vaccinated with vaccines made in China, such as Sinovac or Sinopharm, Saudi Arabia is still allowed to leave on the condition that pilgrims are vaccinated with one of the above vaccines. In Indonesia, AstraZeneca vaccine is available. In addition, for some Indonesian citizens, Moderna vaccine has been provided, although only for health workers as the third dose.

Coupled with the quarantine in Indonesia after returning from Saudi Arabia. “Besides being expensive, it takes almost the same time as the pilgrimage,” Baluki.

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