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Ummat Party Attacked Islamic Party Axis: Panic Left by Supporters!

JakartaUmmah Party admits that he is still confused about the plan to form it the axis of the Islamic party for 2024. The Ummat Party thinks that the axis of the Islamic party is like the panic of Islamic parties which are beginning to be abandoned by their supporters.

“Yes, of course I as part of the Islamic party welcomed the initiative, but there are notes, the note is that the Islamic party referred to as an opposition Islamic party or an Islamic party that is part of this regime, if the coalition of Islamic parties then is part of this regime. I don’t know how the cooperation is? ” said the initiator of the Ummat Party, Agung Mozin when contacted, Thursday (15/4/2021).

“What kind of coalition, whether a coalition that will be co-opted by the regime or a coalition for what, I don’t understand, I really don’t understand, but if for example it is stated we want to build a coalition of Islamic parties, okay,” he continued.

Agung suspects that this coalition of the axis of the Islamic party was actually initiated by a party whose supporters are starting to abandon it. In addition, he considered this coalition of the Islamic party’s axis to seem like a form of panic.

“I see it as panic from Islamic parties whose supporters have started to abandon, and then they try to make fun of as if to build an Islamic coalition. Don’t let it mean that the coalition of Islamic parties is initiated by a party that is starting to be abandoned by its supporters, so it is a party that has already been formed. they do not get public support and then they try to voice as if they are voicing the voice of Islam, even though neither is it, ”he said.

Furthermore, Agung mentioned that this coalition of Islamic party pivots might be formed by a party which currently has an electability of less than 1 percent. He said the party had never spoken out regarding the problems faced by Muslims.

“The parties that have started 0 comma, 0 comma, right, they are labeled as Islam, but when there is an issue of Islam they never speak out, never voice what is the concern of Muslims, including those currently criminalized and others. otherwise, they are not, Islamic figures, yes, they are just secretive, “he said.

As is known, PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu and PPP Ketum Suharso Monoarfa met. PKS and PPP open opportunities to form an Islamic party axis in the 2024 elections.

“That’s a good idea. Why not? PKS is in principle a party whose vision is rahmatan lil’alamin. We want to welcome anyone who wants to join us and we will unite our great cooperation for the public as well as from others. So it is very possible,” he said. PKS Secretary General Aboe Bakar Al Habsyi at the PKS DPP, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Wednesday (14/4).

He conveyed this when asked about the possibility of PPP and PKS forming an Islamic party axis in the 2024 Election. However, Al Habsyi said that the 2024 Election was still far away.

“But it’s still a long time, it’s still a long way to go. But these explorations within 2.5 years are very possible,” he said.

(maa / imk)

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