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Umg, Medicine and Surgery: face-to-face teaching is back

At the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro we start again with “face to face” activities, in full compliance with the anti-covid health requirements, to start restoring normalcy to university life on the Campus, with the holding of graduation sessions at the cycle degree course unique in Medicine and Surgery of the University.

After the sessions held via the web over the past months, the Magna Graecia University of Catanzaro is now gradually preparing to host its students again in the classrooms of the Campus.


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“It starts from the most exciting moment for a student, that of obtaining the academic title after years of study and sacrifices, a moment that will be shared again with loved ones – said the Rector of the Magna Graecia University, Prof. Giovambattista De Sarro. In this way we want to give – continued the Rector – a sign of hope to our students, but always with the utmost attention and respect for the rules prescribed to contain the risk of contagion. So, with responsibility, let’s start together again, albeit with some restrictions that are still necessary, imposed by the covid-19 health emergency ”.

In fact, these 31 recent graduates in Medicine and Surgery again “in attendance”, in this phase still of coronavirus emergency, were welcomed, in three distinct sessions of about 10 candidates each, in the spacious Campus Auditorium, which can hold more than 400 placed, with the necessary and preliminary temperature control and hand sanitization, equipped with individual protection devices, and well spaced from each other. Each candidate, at the time of submitting his thesis work, at a safe distance from the members of the Commission, personally took steps to use the disposable protections for the devices necessary for the same presentation, to avoid any possible direct contact, sanitizing the hands of the beginning and end.

Distinct routes, both in and out, for candidates and relatives in tow: each candidate, in fact, was also able to count on the proximity of a maximum number of four relatives, positioned and spaced in alternate rows between the seats of the Auditorium .

After each graduation session, the Auditorium hall has been sanitized in all its parts to always allow its use in total safety.

The decision to resume “in presence” of the graduation sessions took place after the carrying out, in recent weeks, of the admission tests to the master’s degree courses in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics and to the three-year degree courses in the Health Professions, which saw thousands of participants and an organizational machine that followed, with order and precision, every detail in the phase of checking and accommodation of the candidates inside the buildings of the university campus, fulfilling, in a timely manner, the guidelines provided for the contrast at the risk of coronavirus infection.

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