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UMCG is investigating how minorities can be vaccinated more often

HPV is short for the human papilloma virus, which causes cervical cancer and genital warts.

Less good access to healthcare

Ethnic, religious or cultural minorities across Europe often have less access to healthcare, the UMCG says. ‘In our country, for example, the vaccination rate for meningococci among Turkish and Moroccan adolescents is thirty percent lower than among other adolescents,’ explains the UMCG.

Another research is aimed at changing the beliefs and attitudes of people who fall under the target group. The UMCG will look at how healthcare itself can do something about it and how the vaccination coverage can be increased with targeted actions.

Increase MMR and HPV vaccinations

“The need for health systems that adapt and that meet the needs of changing patients and societies has never been greater,” says UMCG researcher and project leader Daniëlle Jansen.

She says the goal is to increase the numbers of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and HPV vaccinations among disadvantaged communities in Greece, Poland, Slovakia and the Netherlands, as well as how minorities in Finland, Israel and the Netherlands can be the United Kingdom are frequently vaccinated.

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