Home » today » News » Umbria, the petition against the wind farm. The letter from a hundred intellectuals to Mattarella: «Turbines more than four times higher than the Cathedral of Orvieto»

Umbria, the petition against the wind farm. The letter from a hundred intellectuals to Mattarella: «Turbines more than four times higher than the Cathedral of Orvieto»

AsPaolo Conti

The Phobos project, in the still fully designed area between Orvieto and Lake Bolsena, includes seven turbines more than 200 meters high and is described in the document as ” definitely out of scale and under the influence of dangerous gigantism”

A large wind farm project, the Phobosplanned in the area still a whole landscape between Orvieto and the Lake Bolsenamoving a group of intellectuals who have decided to appeal to the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, remembering the importance of the Cultural Heritage Code, an essential defense tool which – the signatories maintain – must be protected from multiple attacks.

The wind farm (we read in a petition that has the first signatures of the director and screenwriter Alice Rohrwacher and Giovanni Attili, professor of Urban Planning and expert in Sustainable Development of the Environment and the Territory at La Sapienza in Rome) provide seven turbines more than 200 meters high and it is described in the document as «a project that is completely out of scale and is affected by dangerous gigantism. Suffice it to say that the wind turbines would be high more than four times that of Orvieto Cathedral».

As the text explains (signed by a hundred intellectuals including leaders such Marco BellocchioLuca Guadagnino, Mario Martone, Gabriele Salvatores, scholars and educators such as Salvatore Settis, Ernesto Galli della Loggia, Carlo Ginzburg, Massimo Osanna, Alessandro Balducci, fictional names such as Dacia Maraini, Teresa Ciabatti, Paolo GiordanoNiccolò Ammaniti, Susanna Tamaro, from cinema such as Isabella Rossellini, Claudia Cardinale, Scotland Rohrwacherand many others) for some time now residents and associations have been moving to try to «oppose this mega project that it is a risk product devastating effects on the landscape endangering the tourist appeal and the economies of the regions. For example, the Etruscan Necropolis of Lauscello is located just 500 meters from the wind turbine number 4″.

The organizers of the application strongly remember the meaning and importance of the Cultural Heritage Code and the current legislation that puts a distance of at least 3 kilometers between plants and protected cultural assets (already a smaller area in 2023 compared to the original 7, precisely to encourage the construction of wind farms). Recently the Umbria TAR, according to the signatories, has largely rejected the validity of the buffer zone « opening doors to countless other resources does not conform to the norm».

The document concludes with this: “We do not think there should be a place for one energy transfer based on land use and on that instrumental and economic rationality which, if we introduce, represents the fundamental cause of that same ecological crisis that we would like, in words, to oppose. A paradigm shift is needed: the issue of energy production and consumption cannot be defined as elements isolated from territorial contexts, rather as an integral and inseparable part of that complex network of relationships that binds a community to the environmental care of her life. and production a culturally and historically determined landscape».

At the same time, for the same issues, there is also a movement in Tuscany where the group Tess – Energy Transition Without Speculation was born, supported, among others, by the local sections of Italia Nostra, WWF and Club Italian Alpine: he fights against the authors for installation of storage batteries and photovoltaic panels in the fields, by cutting down forests for the installation of wind turbines.


September 25, 2024 (edit September 25, 2024 | 1:48 pm)

2024-09-25 11:48:36

#Umbria #petition #wind #farm #letter #intellectuals #Mattarella #Turbines #times #higher #Cathedral #Orvieto

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