Home » today » Technology » UM Thrive and Maxibon develop unique playlists for young Spaniards through Spotify – Periódico PublicidAD

UM Thrive and Maxibon develop unique playlists for young Spaniards through Spotify – Periódico PublicidAD

UM Thrive – agency belonging to group IPG Media Brands– y Maxibondevise and develop a format of interactive playlist creation on Spotifywhich allows users to have a single playlist from a short questionnaire. They break into one of the main music platforms in streaming in Spain with the aim of approaching the youngest -Generation Z-, generating extra notoriety in this target core of the popular ice cream brand of Nestlé and Froneri.

The creativity in the format defines the differential value of this special action, which goes beyond the media campaign that the brand is always active at this time of year, to bring the audience closer to Maxibon to the music that most represents them, completing a short quiz that will lead to a unique playlist for each Spotify user. “What do you prefer: beach or pool? Who do you meet: alone or with friends?are some of the questions that the agency and the advertiser ask the listeners of the platform through a short quiz created to this in a microsite ownwhich will be available until the end of August.

This special online action is part of Maxibon’s positioning strategy, “Made to be unique”which has the objective that the brand continues to be a leader in the ice cream sector, with 100% unique products just like the people who make up your target audience. In this way, they manage to impact the audience that is looking for inspiration and the latest trends in their favorite music.

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Maxibonthrough this format related to their audience, intend to generate a mayor engagement with the young segment of the population using music as a vehicle to create stronger and more lasting ties between the brand and its customers. An action with UM Thrivehighlights the importance of experience of user as an innovative engine of strategic communication for companies. Something that can also be implemented in the audio environmentwhere, according to Spotify data, the 74% of Spanish millennials and GenZs seek to reduce their stress levels.

“We had the challenge of impacting Generation Z, looking for a differential experiential path in audio. For this reason, we went a step further than the creation of playlists, encouraging the Spotify user to create a playlist that is 100% him, and as unique as himself”, comment Alexa Moragues, Head of Brand Experience de UM Thrive. “We use music as a territory, offering them the chance to discover the songs that best connect with their personality while enjoying a Maxibon this summer.”

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