Ulisse is alive and well. To put a point on the closing rumors that have been chasing each other in recent days is precisely Angela tree, intervened on Twitter to clarify the reasons that led to a momentary suspension of the show entirely dedicated to the charm of art presented in all its forms.
The location of the science communicator most loved on TV is clear-cut and leaves no room for doubts, snaked in the past few hours following an unexpected shift in the last two episodes of the program. These are the words of Angela after the clamor raised by the rumors who spoke of closure, which had already thrown the many fans into despair:
“Ulisse does not stop. We are regularly editing the last two episodes of this edition which have only been postponed since the Covid emergency has caused delays in processing. The suspension of the program has never been considered by anyone ”.
Behind the suspension of Ulisse in fact, there would be mere technical requirements dictated by the particular period we are experiencing and which requires the utmost attention. The last two episodes will be there and are already set for May 27 and June 3.
On the other hand, we could not expect a different fate for Angela’s upright in-depth program, which has long been in the good graces of the director of Rai1. Stefano Coletta. The leaders of the national TV, in fact, have never hinted that there was an intention to close the broadcast prematurely, despite the not exactly exciting ratings of the current season.
The postponement of the last two episodes could give a new breath of fresh air to the little jewel of Alberto Angela, which will address issues dear to the large audience of the first network. If in the first episode he will focus on the totally unconventional message of Saint Francis e Santa Chiara, also exploring the symbolic places of their spiritual mission, the second will touch on the dramatic and current theme of the climate crisis.
For the moment, therefore, i fan on Ulisse they can rest assured. We will have to wait, of course, but Alberto Angela will return with the last two episodes that he has designed for his audience. There Rai he also assures that the special on the Leopard.
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