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Ultra-right group steals canvas by Camilo Catrillanca in London 38

A subsequent video broadcast on social networks shows Sebastián Izquierdo trampling and vandalizing the stolen canvas. From London 38 they announced that they will incorporate these facts into a criminal complaint already filed this year.

From the London memory site 38 denounced the theft during Saturday afternoon of the canvas that commemorates the anniversary of the murder of Camilo Catrillanca. Subsequently, a video was released through social networks where characters linked to the extreme right appear trampling the gigantography, and issuing hateful comments in front of the murdered community member.

In the video you can see Sebastian Left, founder of “Capitalismo Revolucionario” and prosecuted for injuries and threats during a “Rejection” march, trampling and shouting messages of hatred against Catrillanca. “We are going to take their eyes off all the conchesumadres, they will all go blind”Izquierdo yelled, standing on the canvas.

From London 38, the general coordinator, Alexandra Benado, expressed her dissatisfaction with the fact. They estimate that the theft of the canvas occurred between four and six in the afternoon on Saturday. “I don’t know what the authorities expect to take action on the matter. In the end we feel that all these situations constitute serious events towards memory, and furthermore they remain in total impunity », Benado recounted.

In addition, from the memory site they affirm that it is not the first time that a situation has occurred where groups have stolen and vandalized the space. This year, the president of the Corporation “London 38, memory space”, Erika Hennings, filed a complaint in the 7th Court of Guarantee of Santiago against those who are responsible for simple and qualified damages.

Even since 2017 there is a resolution of the Commission on Human Rights of the United Nations Organization, which requires the State of Chile to take responsibility and repair memory spaces that have been vandalized. “This has never happened,” explains the London 38 coordinator. From the institution, They claim that these events have been made invisible by the State.

Dictamen ONU by Rodrigo Retamal V.

From now on, the London 38 lawyers are working to incorporate this information into the complaint filed this year and establish responsibility for the theft that occurred this afternoon.

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