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Ultra-passive smoking: the smell of cold tobacco would be dangerous for health

If smoking or being in the immediate vicinity of a lit cigarette poses health risks, a study has shown that it is also possible to transport toxic substances linked to tobacco in non-smoking places.

We knew about passive smoking, here is now “ultra-passive” smoking. A study published recently in the journal Science Advances demonstrated thateven a ventilated room where nobody smoked could contain residues of toxic substances contained in the tobacco.

On the same subject


To reach this conclusion, the scientists took samples from the air of a cinema located in Germany, where the ban on smoking has been in force for 15 years.

35 tobacco-related chemicals in the air in a non-smoking room

According to their readings made by a machine installed in the exhaust air ducts, 35 chemicals contained in tobacco including carcinogens like benzene or formaldehyde, were present in the room.

Ultra-passive smoking in question

The researchers therefore concluded that it is smokers or people exposed to tobacco smoke who carry these substances on their clothes or bodies. A phenomenon called ‘tertiary smoke’ characteristic of smoking said “ultra-passive” equivalent to one to 10 cigarettes.

However, the study could not precisely measure the health risks run by people exposed to substances in this situation, the latter depending on too varied factors (frequency of exposure, proximity to the person emitting the pollutants …) . However, it stresses the importance of good ventilation in closed spaces.

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