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Ultra-Nationalist Girkin Challenges Putin: Why I Would Be a Better President

Girkin believes he himself would have been a better president than Putin. Earlier this week he launched his candidacy.

Girkin, who is also known as “The Sagittarius”, is imprisoned after a series of posts on blogs in which he directs strong criticism of Vladimir Putin and the political leadership in the Kremlin.

According to NTB, Girkin risks five years in prison for his activity.

However, that has not stopped the ultra-nationalist from launching a list of reasons why he would be a better president than Vladimir Putin. Girkin has posted a list of six reasons why he is Putin’s boss on his Telegram channel.

With reason number one, Girkin goes straight for Putin’s throat, criticizing him for not leading the forces in Ukraine himself.

He writes that Putin “considers himself incompetent in military affairs”.

– I consider myself more competent in terms of military affairs than the sitting president, writes Girkin and adds a jab at Defense Minister Sergej Shojgu:

– And definitely more than the current defense minister.

Lavrov: – Unacceptable

Girkin himself has direct experience of military operations and war crimes.

Among other things, he led the Russian-led uprising in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine in 2014, writes NTB. according to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Girkin ordered the abduction and execution of several people when he was the supreme leader of the Donetsk forces.

Girkin was also involved in Russian warfare in Chechnya in the early 2000s.

A Dutch court ruled in 2022 that Girkin was guilty of the murder of 298 people who died when Malaysia Air flight MH17 was shot down in Russian-controlled areas of Donetsk.

Putin’s hidden war

– Extremely gullible

As reason number two, Girkin claims that Vladimir Putin has allowed himself to be ensnared and misled by Western leaders for a long time – completely contrary to the image Putin and the Kremlin are trying to paint of the Russian autocrat.

– Our president is an extremely gullible person, writes Girkin and lists Western politicians he believes have tricked Putin. These are:

Barack ObamaDonald TrumpEmmanuel MacronAngela MerkelPetro PoroshenkoVolodymyr Zelenskyj

– I would never have believed them, states the ultra-nationalist.

– Too kind

The now imprisoned regime critic also believes that Putin has not acted hard enough in Ukraine. Girkin has consistently criticized the Russian warfare in Ukraine for a lack of will to implement it. Girkin believes this is reason number three.

– Our current president is too kind, he writes and claims that Putin allowed himself to be deceived by the Russian defense and intelligence into believing that the country was ready for war.

– I am not very kind, which I can prove in practice, he writes.

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Criticizes the oligarchy

As reason number four, Girkin writes that Putin has too many connections to billionaires and businessmen – who influence his policies.

– I don’t have a single friend, not even a millionaire, writes Girkin to emphasize that he himself is not tied up in the oligarchy’s web.

Girkin’s fifth point is of an even more moral nature. The Russian nationalist and coup maker believes that Putin’s honesty and morality prevent him from breaking agreements and promises.

– Vladimir Vladimirovich (Putin, journ.amn.) is a very moral person, always true to his word, writes Girkin who believes that Putin is bound to fulfill promises from the 1990s – including those made on behalf of Russia.

For the record: Putin has, among other things, broken the Budapest Memorandum from 1994, in which both Russia, Great Britain and the United States declared that they would respect Ukraine’s borders and independence in exchange for the country giving up its nuclear weapons.

– I have not promised anything to anyone, and can therefore ignore the personal guarantees that all Russian presidents from 1991 to the present have given, if I think it is useful, writes Girkin.

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– Not so athletic

However, the 52-year-old Girkin admits that he is not as trained as 70-year-old Putin – age taken into account.

– I am not as athletic and healthy as Putin was at my age, so I will not be able to bother, physically, for more than 20 years, writes Girkin in what seems to be both self-irony and an acknowledgment that he has no plans to be president for 20 years.

2023-09-02 21:26:43

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