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Ultimatum for the KKB which is causing trouble in Oksibil: It’s Better to Surrender Now… Page all

JAYAPURA, KOMPAS.com – Commander Korem 172/PWY Brigadier General JO Sembiring gave an ultimatum to the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which was causing trouble in Oksibil District, Kabupaten Star MountainsPapua Mountains.

“It’s better to give up now, before we enforce the law in a firm, directed and measurable manner,” said Danrem 172/PWY in a written statement, Friday (13/1/2023).

Also read: Unfavorable Situation due to KKB Act, 58 Oksibil Residents Refuge to Jayapura

The man who is familiarly called Jo also asked for help from traditional, religious and community leaders to deliver a message for Kodap XXXV/East Star Command led by Ananias Ati Mimin to surrender.

“We need the help of traditional leaders, religious leaders and all elements of society to ask our brothers and sisters to stop the acts of terror they are carrying out and immediately surrender as soon as possible to take responsibility for the crimes they have committed so far,” he said.

Jo stressed that the TNI and Polri had committed to support the government’s development programs in remote areas. Because of that, the KKB’s actions that damaged buildings and threatened the community had to be stopped.

“The leadership’s orders to us were clear, chase and arrest. This was done in order to create a conducive situation in the Bintang Mountains,” he said.

The one-star general said that law enforcers cannot allow the KKB’s actions to continue to be repeated. Security disturbances, he said, could have an impact on people’s lives.

“This will have an impact on disrupting community activities both in terms of education, health and the economy which concerns the lives of many people. This step is carried out as a form of the State’s presence in remote corners,” he said.

Appreciation from KKB leaders in Kiwirok

Jo expressed his appreciation to Lamek Taplo, the KKB leader who carried out the attack in the Kiwirok District, Gunung Bintang, in 2021.

The attack by Lamek and his friends forced the Kiwirok residents to flee to the Oksibil District. After a year of displacement, Kiwirok residents returned to their place of origin.

Now, they have activities as usual because there is no security disturbance.

“Thank you to my brother Lamek Alepki Taplo who has helped create a sense of security for the Kiwirok people by not carrying out acts of terror so that people can work on rebuilding their homes and can carry out Christmas in peace and joy even in limited conditions,” said he.

Jo also asked Lamek Taplo and his followers to lay down their weapons so they could build Kiwirok together.

“I invite us to work together to build Kiwirok into a safe, peaceful, peaceful and advanced area. Differences in views are natural, but that doesn’t prevent us from becoming brothers,” he said.

For information, the security situation in the Oksibil District, Gunung Bintang Regency, Papua Mountains, has not been conducive since Saturday (7/1/2023).

On Saturday, the KKB intercepted a motorcycle taxi driver near SMKN 1 Oksibil. KKB members also opened fire.

Also read: Reasons for AirNav Withdrawing 12 of its Personnel from Oksibil Airport, Officers Traumatized by the KKB Attack

When the security forces arrived at the location, the KKB opened fire. As a result, three policemen were injured.

On Monday (9/1/2023), KKB returned to action by setting fire to the SMKN 1 Oksibil building and shooting at a cargo plane that was about to land at Oksibil Airport.

Then, on Wednesday (11/1/2023), the KKB burned the Gunung Bintang Dispendukcapil Office. As a result of this incident, dozens of residents living in the vicinity of the incident, secured themselves to the Gunung Bintang Police Headquarters.

The security disturbance then made 58 Oksibil residents choose to flee to Jayapura.

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