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Ukrainians with additional income will be offered to pay tax on it – Hetmantsev

Photo: UNIAN

Daniil Getmantsev spoke about the plans of the authorities to introduce voluntary taxes

The initiative will be voluntary. It will relate to 28 types of other activities, the head of the committee announced.

Citizens of Ukraine who receive additional income, the authorities will offer to voluntarily pay a 5% tax on it. This was stated by the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Daniil Getmantsev interview UNIAN.

According to the people’s deputy, such an initiative will allow those Ukrainians who have a main job and are additionally engaged in a certain business to work legally and without registration as an FLP.

“I want to immediately emphasize that it (the initiative – ed.) will be voluntary, that is, only for those who wish to take advantage of this opportunity. It will relate to the taxi industry, as well as 27 types of other activities,” Getmantsev specified.

He added that those wishing to pay the additional tax will be able to apply through the application. Action.

“We are now considering a model in which you will be able to Action apply for the installation of a software PPO and accept payments through it. That’s it, nothing else needs to be done. No accounts to open, no registration anywhere. One button to Actions you submit an application, and the second button is to install cash registers (registrars of settlement transactions – ed.). This is all without registration,” the politician explained.

At the same time, he stressed that such a system works in many countries, and in Ukraine the corresponding bill is still under discussion.

Recall, earlier Getmantsev said that the authorities are considering possibility of significant tax cuts for salaries – up to 10% – subject to their removal from the shadows.

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