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“Ukrainians will win and we will expel Putin”: Military expert revealed the dreams of “idiots” in Russia –

/ world today news/ Military expert Igor Nikulin revealed the “dreams of idiots” in Russia: “The Ukrainians will win, and we will expel Putin.” He, along with military volunteer Alexei Zhivov, explained what to actually expect from the much-publicized offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which could begin any day now.

According to the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Oleksiy Reznikov, the armed forces of Ukraine are now fully ready to launch an offensive, Yury Pronko, an economic observer of “First Russian”, said on the air of the Main Program “Tsarigrad”.

The minister specified that it remains to wait for the order of the command, the optimal weather conditions, “God’s will” and then it will be possible to go directly to the attack. In the West, however, enthusiasm has seriously waned.

According to Politico, US officials doubt that the Ukrainian campaign will succeed and are seriously considering negotiations that could simply end the heated phase of the conflict without concrete peace agreements.

It is emphasized that the regime in Kyiv is partly aware of the excessive ambition of the tasks set as part of the offensive and is ready to concentrate on achieving more modest goals.

What to expect from the upcoming attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were predicted live by military volunteer Alexei Zhivov and former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons, military expert Igor Nikulin.

Kyiv hopes for a blessing

The first of the experts shared what happens from time to time on the touchline. He clearly saw that the enemy was already in battle formation.

Therefore, everything is really ready for an offensive campaign. The enemy managed to gather an impressive strike force. It is assumed that its number could be about 60-70 thousand fighters.

In addition, the use of drones increased noticeably, and Ukrainian artillery began to operate more often. Attempts to land DRG (sabotage-reconnaissance groups, ed. Pogled) on the left bank of the Dnieper have also been registered. There were also unsuccessful attacks against Pologi in the Zaporozhye region.

“By the way, the weather there and in the Kherson region is already good. The land is already dry, the sun is shining, plus 20 degrees,” he said.

“So really Kyiv is waiting for a command from Washington and their god [президентът на САЩ]crazy old Joe Biden. Apparently, all that remains is to get his permission,” said Zhivov.

Suicidal fever

Igor Nikulin, in turn, spoke with great skepticism about the upcoming attacks of the Ukrainian army.

According to him, the rulers of the Independent party are repeating the mistake of their ideological predecessor. So, Adolf Hitler in 1944 also tried to attempt a counteroffensive in the Ardennes.

“But in the end it actually buried the Wehrmacht. It was the last leap of fascist Germany. I think the same story could happen with the ‘Ukraine Wehrmacht’. They will just burst,” he declared.

“Strong forces have been assembled, but the personnel of the Ukrainian army has been knocked out by 70-80 percent. And no mercenaries can compensate for this,” the expert said.

“Therefore, this will be their last throw. They will kill another 40-50 thousand fighters and it will all be over,” the source told “First Russian”.

Hope dies last

The expert added that with the overwhelming superiority of Russia in the air, in artillery, in tanks, it would be impossible for the regime in Kiev to carry out a more or less effective offensive:

“Especially in open areas. Sabotage sorties are still possible in some small areas, but nothing more,” he said.

“I mean, frankly, I don’t believe that the opponents will really be able to do something serious,” the expert said.

However, there are still people who not only believe, but also hope for the upcoming campaign of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And we are talking about hidden traitors inside Russia.

“Our fifth column is literally praying for this Ukrainian counteroffensive,” he explained.

“They think that right now, as they say, the Ukrainians will win and “we” will be kicked out [президента на Русия Владимир] Putin. But I think these are the dreams of idiots,” Nikulin summed up.

Translation: SM

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