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Ukrainians present a dream car to the king of Zaporizhia / Diena

Visiting In the tribe of speed In March of this year, Intar revealed his dream car to Paul Timrot. Not even half a year has passed, and Intara’s dream has come true. After the start of the war in Ukraine, he, together with the support team of the Tukuma district and his friends, started to look for and deliver the cars that the Ukrainians so desperately needed. At the moment, 52 cars have already been donated, and the support for Ukraine continues.

In gratitude for the help on one of the trips, the Ukrainians gave Intar a huge surprise – they presented a ZAZ pick-up truck, which they accidentally saw in the homestead while delivering the car donated by Latvians.

At one time, about 2,500 such vehicles were produced in Ukraine, and it is a great rarity in the ZAZ collection. The pickup has twin exhausts, four cylinders and the original 40 horsepower.

Intars has traveled 1,000 kilometers to Latvia with his gift from Ukraine, and has passed the road with only a small technical problem. While sitting in the car, Paul Timrots admits that he would not like to get involved in a collision, but the ride is stable and the car holds up well. Plus, it might win the contest for least buttons on a dashboard.

We will find out why this model from Zaporizhia cannot be industrially replicated and what Intara’s next dream car will be in the new episode of the show.

In this Tribe of Speed in the season, Pauls Timrots and the broadcast team continue to look for speed, adventures and interesting interlocutors. Tribe of Speed can also be seen every Thursday LMT on Smart TV and on the Internet. Spectators are invited to participate Twitter in conversations with the hashtag #ĀtrumaCilts.

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