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Ukrainians Expect Serious Security Guarantees from the West to End Fighting: KMIS Survey

At the same time, every third respondent (32%) believes that it is better to end the fighting with really serious security guarantees from the West, even if the liberation of the occupied territories drags on indefinitely. The remaining 10% could not decide on their opinion.

The vast majority of Ukrainians (87%) believe that if the West properly helps Ukraine with weapons, finances, and sanctions, then Ukraine will be able to defeat Russia and achieve an acceptable result. They consider Russia too strong regardless of Western support – 7%. The remaining 6% have not decided on their opinion.

Comment KMIS

As KIIS Deputy Director Anton Grushetsky noted, Ukrainians believe that proper support from the West will allow them to achieve results. “That is why it is annoying and painful for Ukrainians to see that behind the pretentious “We stand with Ukraine” from states with a total GDP amounting to trillions of dollars, real assistance was not so fast, insufficient in volume and nomenclature, and recently has completely stalled. more Ukrainians (and not only) will see this as hypocrisy and betrayal from seemingly friends,” he wrote.

According to him, the majority, even in such difficult conditions, retain faith in the importance of fighting and putting pressure on the enemy. “However, it is very possible that in the event of a truly significant restriction of assistance and a greater sense of the consequences of this by citizens, public opinion will quickly change. And in this case, the position of the West also remains fundamentally important – will Ukraine (at least the controlled territories) have truly serious security guarantees or the West again wants to propose another version of the Budapest Memorandum,” the sociologist added.

The survey was conducted November 29 – December 9, 2023 among 1031 respondents in all regions except the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbass, as well as territories where there is no Ukrainian mobile communication at the time of the survey.

Reduction in aid to Ukraine

Let us remind you that, according to the Kiel Institute of World Economy, the volume of new allocated aid to Ukraine from August to October 2023 decreased sharply: the total cost of new packages was only 2.11 billion euros, which is the lowest amount since January 2022.

The remaining main group of active donors are selected European countries such as Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland, as well as NATO countries such as Canada and the UK.

According to the Pentagon, the United States has about $5.9 billion left in military aid to Ukraine. If Congress does not approve the $60 billion package, Washington will not be able to continue aid to Kyiv.

2023-12-12 09:59:24

#hostilities #continue #Western #aid #reduced #opinion #Ukrainians

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