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Ukrainians do not give up, ready to continue the fight against the invaders / Article

The Ukrainians are ready to continue the fight against the invaders

86% of Ukrainians surveyed they expressed confidence, that the armed struggle against Russia must continue even if the shootings continue. 71% of the respondents completely agree, but 15% are quite in agreement. Only 10% of respondents replied that negotiations must be started to stop the layoffs as soon as possible, even at the cost of making concessions to Russia. Ukrainians in the east of the country support the continuation of the war less and more in the west.

The missile attacks continue

The Russian army continues bombing and missile strikes in Ukraine, targeting energy infrastructure infrastructure. According to military analyst Olegs Zhdanovs, the missile attacks are expected to continue for a long time.

“As for whether Russia continues to bomb our infrastructure, I will tell you that not only will they continue, but they will be more accurate. The closer we get to winter, the more this bombing will intensify. These objects are fired with high-precision weapons. . “

As the war in Ukraine continues, evidence of war crimes committed by Russia is being collected. Irina Didenko, prosecutor of sexual assault cases at the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, said on Monday that children, women, men and the elderly, between the ages of four and 85, were subjected to sexual violence by Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

Five suspects of sexual violence have been identified so far and two cases are already in court. Didenko said that sexual crimes committed by Russian military personnel are recorded in all regions of Ukraine liberated by the invaders. But he did not disclose such a number of crimes.

The banker is wanted

Meanwhile, the National Anti-Corruption Office of Ukraine has included the former head of the National Bank, Kirill Shevchenko, as well as officials of the company “Ukrgasbank”, involved in the theft of more than 200 million hryvnia, in the list of wanted persons.

In early October of this year, Shevchenko announced that he would resign from the post of head of the National Bank for health reasons, but shortly thereafter, the President of Ukraine presented a draft decision on Shevchenko’s release to the Verkhovna Rada. from the post of president of the National Bank.

On the other hand, the Russian propaganda channel RT discounted one of its most visible propagandists, Anton Krasovski. His recent televised appeals to drown and burn Ukrainian children have generated resonance both abroad and in Russia.

RT Krasovskis’ Russian-language program manager has been expressing his hatred of Ukraine on TV for months. It has been on the sanctions list of the European Union since February. Today Krasovskis apologized for his statements on the Telegram network.

On Monday, Romanian Defense Minister Vasils Dincu announced his resignation.

The announcement was made after the minister received criticism for his claim that the war in Ukraine can only end through peace talks with Russia.

In social media, the minister cited “the impossibility of collaborating with the president” as the reason for his resignation. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis publicly condemned the minister for his comments, stating that “only Ukraine can decide when and what to negotiate”.


On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered to start invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine. Putin said NATO would use Ukraine as a stepping stone for aggression against Russia, although there was no evidence for these claims. Ukraine believes that Putin’s real goal is to destroy Ukraine’s statehood and bring the territory under the control of Moscow.

In early autumn, in Ukraine’s counterattack freed by the occupants more territory than Russia had managed to capture since early April. In mid-October, the Ukrainian forces were successful approach the city of Khersonthat the occupying authorities have decided to leave.

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