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Ukrainians are required to fill out declarations and pay taxes: for what and how much

Ukrainians must submit tax returns and pay taxes for additional income by May 1. For example, you need to pay 18% for the rental of real estate, and 5% for the sale of housing.

About it it says in the Tax Code of Ukraine. The income declaration is submitted to the tax office at the place of registration.

What you need to pay tax for

  • income from independent professional activities (hairdressers, plumbers, copywriters, etc.) – 18%;

  • rental income from real estate – 18%;

  • profit from securities – 18%;

  • remuneration and other payments under the agreement – 18%;

  • gifts and non-targeted charity – 18%;

  • income from the sale of real estate – 5%.

“If a taxpayer, in accordance with the norms of current legislation, is obliged (entitled) to submit an annual declaration, but at that time does not live at the place of registration (registration), then this reporting form is still submitted to the supervisory authority at the tax address, that is, at place of registration according to passport data “, – explained in the tax office.

As previously reported OBOZREVATEL, in Ukraine in the near future can run a null declaration. Everyone will be offered to legalize property received from shadow income. In this case, you will have to pay a small tax.

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