Ukrainian army soldiers tried to enter the territory of the Kursk region of Russia on Tuesday, the Russian armed forces prevented them from doing so, he said on stage Telegram District Governor Alexei Smirnov. The region it administers is adjacent to the Sumy region in northern Ukraine. Kyiv did not comment on his claim, and the information could not be independently verified. Russian regional channels for war and Telegram reported earlier that clashes broke out on several sections of the border between Russia and Ukraine, the server writes Medusa.
The Mash Telegram channel, which has links to Russian security forces, writing, that around a hundred Ukrainian fighters tried to break into Russia through the Suzh region in the morning. “Our troops drove the enemy out,” reports the portal, according to which Ukrainian forces are suffering losses.
“Previously, the armed forces of Ukraine launched a large shelling of the residential sector (of the city) in Suzhi,” the channel said. Smirnov earlier said, that Ukrainian shells wounded five people in Suzhi, including three children. According to him, two people were injured elsewhere.
Astra portal in Russian pointed out to the claim of one of the Russian telegram channels that was against the war, according to which a small group of Ukrainian soldiers crossed the border and entered several hundred meters deep into the territory of Russia. Later Astra she wrotethat an attempt to cross the border has also been reported from the nearby Belgorod region.
Neither the Russian Ministry of Defense nor the Ukrainian General Staff have yet commented on these reports. Moscow said earlier that its air defense had destroyed 24 Ukrainian drones over the Kursk region during the night and morning. Smirnov reported the destruction of 26 drones.
Ukraine has been defending itself against major Russian military attacks for the third year. During the war, the border between Ukraine and Russia in the regions of Kursk and Belgorod again tried to break through the formations of the Russian Volunteer Corps, the Russian Freedom Legion and the Siberian Battalion, which ‘ fight on the side of Ukraine, Meduza noted.
2024-08-06 09:40:00
#Ukrainian #troops #break #Kursk #region #governor