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Ukrainian Service Radio Liberty Satellite Images Show Effects of Missile Strike at Dzhankoy Military Airfield

Project “Scheme” of the Ukrainian service Radio Liberty published satellite images of the effects missile strike The Armed Forces of Ukraine at the military airfield in Dzhankoy. They were made by Planet Labs on April 19.

In the pictures you can see damage near the military base and air defense systems.

Areas near the military airfield in Dzhankoy, where a series of explosions occurred in the early morning of April 17

“In the pictures we can see targeted strikes on air defense systems, which put them out of action, and the defeat of the enemy’s air defense forces. It should be noted that after the strikes, most -reset some of the aircraft,” Ukrainian aviation expert Anatoly Khrapchinsky explained in a statement to Schemes.

According to him, the missile strike, judging by satellite images, hit systems involved in the operation of radar stations and air defense.

Witnesses report explosions in the area of ​​the Dzhankoy military airfield, where the Russian army’s main logistics center is located and attack helicopters are based reported on the morning of April 17.

The Crimean Wind public monitoring group noted that the satellite recorded six sources of explosions at the military airfield in Dzhankoy and nearby. Also a group with references to stores clarificationthat 15 Russian soldiers were wounded in the strike, and another 22 people are listed as missing. There is no official confirmation of this information.

In the evening of the same day, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky thanks The Armed Forces of Ukraine for the operation in Dzhankoy, calling it “the right blow to the resident.” “

Later at the Main Intelligence Agency (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine saidthat four S-400 air defense systems and three radar stations were destroyed or severely damaged during the attack on the military airfield in Dzhankoy on April 17. In addition to these items, the Fundament-M air surveillance equipment and the air defense control center were destroyed or damaged, the Central Intelligence Agency said.

SEE ALSO: The Central Intelligence Agency said that during the attack on the military airfield in Dzhankoy on April 17, four S-400 air defense systems and three radar stations were destroyed.

The Russian-appointed “authorities” in annexed Crimea and the Russian Ministry of Defense did not mention the attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the airfield in Dzhankoy.

Dzhankoy is an operational state airfield in populated Crimea. The 39th helicopter regiment of the 27th mixed aviation division of the 4th Air Force and the Air Defense Command of the Southern Military District is based there, as well as three aircraft squadrons flying the Mi-8, Mi-35M, Mi-28, Ka-52.

In addition, border service helicopters of the FSB of the Russian Federation are based in Dzhankoy. Before that, S-300 / S-400 launchers were also seen on the airfield.

SEE ALSO: Witnesses report explosions in Crimea-linked Dzhankoy military airfield

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2024-04-19 19:52:34

#Schemes #published #satellite #images #site #strike #Armed #Forces #Ukraine #military #airfield #Dzhankoy #S400 #air #defense #systems #destroyed

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