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Ukrainian Salary Comparison: How Long Does It Take to Afford an iPhone 15?

The level of earnings is a rather abstract concept, but they have repeatedly tried to evaluate it by comparing salaries with the prices of buckwheat, hamburgers from McDonald’s, etc. And the Work.ua website calculated how much Ukrainians will have to work to earn money for a new iPhone 15.

How many

Over the past 5 years, the iPhone Index has been:

136.7 days – 2018 96.7 days – 2019 87 days – 2020 69.9 days – 2021 98.1 days – 2022

To calculate this index, the average salary in the country is taken and divided by the cost of a smartphone. This gives you the number of days you need to work to buy a new gadget. And this is provided that all earnings are spent on the purchase, without any other expenses.

To calculate the index in 2023, Work.ua took the iPhone 15 Pro model with 128 GB of memory, which can already be pre-ordered in some stores for 49,999 hryvnia. The average salary in Ukraine, according to Work.ua, is 17,500 hryvnia, and the average number of working days in a month is 21. Thus, the average cost of one working day is 833 hryvnia. It turns out that to purchase an iPhone 15 Pro you need to work for 60 days. If we take the average salary according to the Pension Fund (16,012 hryvnia), we get 65 working days.

And how much do representatives of different professions need to save in order to save up for a basic iPhone 15 with 128 GB of memory for 39,999 hryvnia? For example, a barista, hookah man and legal assistant with a salary of 13,500 hryvnia will be able to save in 89 days if they save their entire salary, or 444 days (1 year and almost 3 months) if they save 20% of their salary monthly.

A marketer, architect and chief accountant with a salary of 25 thousand hryvnia will need 48 days or 240 days (almost 8 months), respectively.

And a programmer with a salary of 45 thousand will need 27 days if you save all your earnings, or almost 5 months if you allocate 20% of your salary.

Source: Work.ua

2023-09-17 02:45:03
#work #Ukrainian #buy #iPhone

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