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Ukrainian authorities raided an opposition publication in Odessa

Police and representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine raided the editorial office of the opposition news portal “Dumskaya Net” in the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa, DPA reported.

“This is another attempt by the (presidential party) “Servant of the People” to prevent any criticism directed at it,” said a statement published today on the news portal.

Journalists from “Dumskaya Net” suspectthat there is a connection between the raid and their recent reports of corruption in the Odesa regional administration and regional council.

The police action prevented the work of the news portal for several hours.

So far, the police and the Security Service of Ukraine have not commented on what happened.

The influential Odesa news portal “Dumskaya Net” is owned by a deputy from the pro-Western European Solidarity party of former president Petro Poroshenko, DPA notes.

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