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Ukrainian Armed Forces Marines Cross Dnieper River in Offensive Operation

Thursday 19 October 2023 03:09

Photo: Ukrainian Armed Forces Marines probably landed on the left bank of the Dnieper (Getty Images)

Units of two Ukrainian marine brigades probably crossed the Dnieper River on October 17-18 and landed on the left bank of the river in the Kherson region.

Geolocated footage released by ISW experts on October 18 shows Ukrainian troops advancing north of Peschanivka (14 km east of the city of Kherson and 3 km from the Dnieper River) and towards Poima (11 km east of the city of Kherson and 4 km from Dnieper River).

According to Russian media, two Ukrainian “assault groups” landed on the eastern bank of the Dnieper and broke through Russian defenses, temporarily occupying the entire Poima and positions on the northern outskirts of Peschanivka. It is reported that as of October 18, the occupiers control only the southern part of Peschanivka.

Concerns among the Russian military leadership about the ability of troops to repel a potential Ukrainian offensive operation across the Dnieper may be partly related to the state of the Russian group of troops on the left bank. In recent months, the Russian command has attracted a relatively larger number of elite units from the Kherson direction to support defensive operations in the Zaporozhye region.

Key Findings ISW:

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continued counter-offensive operations in the east and south of Ukraine and reportedly advanced in the Bakhmut area and in the western part of the Zaporozhye region. Western media reported that the United States provided Ukraine with a limited number of ATACMS missiles. Satellite imagery from October 17 shows that the Ukrainian ATACMS strike on the Berdyansk airfield likely significantly damaged Russian helicopters and airfield infrastructure. Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his desire to deepen Russian-Chinese economic and political ties, but has not announced any practical changes.

2023-10-19 00:09:32

#Marines #Ukrainian #Armed #Forces #landed #left #bank #Dnieper #enemy #positions #ISW

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