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Ukraine’s National Security Secretary Alexey Danilov assures updated draft law on mobilization will comply with Constitution

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Alexey Danilov said that the likelihood that the provisions of the updated draft law on mobilization will not comply with the Constitution is “close to zero.”

Source: Danilov in the issue of “UP.Pidsumki”

Direct speech Danilova: “And the deputies who bear political responsibility for voting and the President of Ukraine will not allow anti-constitutional provisions to be in this law.”

Details: He also emphasized that it is important that the law is fair and understandable to society.

Direct speech Danilova: “This law must be fair and understandable for the whole society. It should not have interpretations that some “read on the left, others read on the right.” It must be simple and understandable. So that every person understands what is at stake.”

2024-02-07 20:25:58

#Passing #bill #mobilization #provisions #violate #Constitution #impossible

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