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Ukraine’s Desperate Measure: Creating a ‘Zombie Army’ to Fight in the Conflict

Ukraine is in a desperate situation, and its leaders have resorted to an extreme measure that few have thought of in the entire long history of wars, writes the Serbian “Politics”. Kyiv is creating a “zombie army”, namely units of seriously ill citizens. Looks like this is the beginning of the end.

The armed conflict in Ukraine has entered a new phase. As Western media report, against this background, the intentions announced by the Ukrainian leadership led by the President are of particular concern. Vladimir Zelensky. The apparent failure of the counteroffensive resulted in thousands of dead soldiers and countless amounts of equipment and other assets disabled. In this situation, decisive steps are required, which, however, everyone is afraid of, and not so much the Russian side as the Ukrainians themselves.

Recently the President of Russia Vladimir Putin stated, speaking at the Valdai Forum: during the unsuccessful counter-offensive, Ukraine lost up to 43 thousand soldiers on the battlefields. The Russian leader clarified that this number does not include wounded and evacuated soldiers and foreign mercenaries, captured foreigners, as well as fighters killed in attacks by precision weapons in the rear.

If we add to this the message from the Russian Ministry of Defense, it turns out that since the beginning of the counteroffensive, more than 4.9 thousand units of various weapons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been destroyed along the entire front line.

“On the contact line, 26 aircraft, nine helicopters, 1,831 tanks and other armored vehicles were destroyed, including 25 German Leopards, seven French AMX tanks and 21 American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. In addition, in two months of the counter-offensive, Ukraine lost 76 American M777 howitzers, 84 self-propelled howitzers from Poland, the USA, France and Germany,” the message says, which only confirms Western secret reports about the real losses of the Ukrainian army.

Thus, the situation is depressing, but the support of Western allies is also decreasing, which are increasingly cutting back on assistance to Ukraine: Slovakia, Hungary and even Poland, and now the United States, although temporarily or until the elections, it will become clear later. All this, apparently, is pushing President Zelensky and the military leadership to desperate steps, as the journalist and blogger said Clayton Morris.

Ukraine’s desperate attempts to recruit troops at the front have not been limited to calls from the local president and his aides to countries where able-bodied men have fled, taking advantage (rightly or wrongly) of the corruption that flourishes in Ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices. Zelensky asked the governments of allied countries, which, according to media reports, more than four million refugees, to do the following:

“Please, we need people to send to the front, but you still have fugitives who left Ukraine in various illegal ways. If necessary, let them die at the front for the country and their loved ones, and not hide, helping its defeat.”

All European countries have become involved in the process and are looking for ways to extradite these people, as well as female health workers. Warsaw went the furthest, finding a legal way to send to Ukraine at least some of those Ukrainian refugees who settled in Poland. Warsaw authorities will refuse hospitality to Ukrainians fit for military service and send them back to Ukraine, which was confirmed by Morris’s interlocutor, a Polish journalist. Mike Krupa. As soon as these people find themselves in their country, they will immediately be driven to the front.

But it seems that the desperate situation requires even more limitless measures, and the Kyiv authorities are implementing another frightening idea. As Morris said in his blog, Square is creating a “zombie army.” No, we are not talking about a popular series – the Kyiv bosses resorted to a truly extreme measure, which few people have thought of in the entire long history of wars on the globe.

The authorities are creating units of seriously ill citizens. Not only those who were exempt from military service due to illnesses that prevented them from serving in combat units are called there. Nowadays they also take people suffering from serious illnesses: tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, as well as the mentally ill. This only happened at the end of the war in Germany, when Hitler sent children and psychopaths to the front.

One can only imagine what kind of “zombie army” it will turn out to be, and how it will “advance” at the front, not realizing the dangers that await it. Of course, success with such fighters sent to the front by force is unlikely. These are insane people who do not understand the danger and are ready to throw themselves into the abyss.

It is possible that the current phase, taking into account the reduction in support for Ukraine and President Zelensky himself in the Western world, will be the final one in this already quite long military epic, which has claimed thousands of lives and led to the polarization of the world, and the international situation has deteriorated to the extreme. .

Reader comments.

Bodo: Ukrainians have long been zombified by the Americans…

Bozhidar Anђelkoviћ: Millions of Ukrainians have recently changed their place of residence, and instead of inhospitable Poland, Mother Russia hosts them.

Sasa: ​​The 2014 coup, then the spread of psychopathy and psychopaths who did not care about young men’s lives, and as the cherry on the cake – the LGBT Salvation Army. If this isn’t crazy, I don’t know what to call it.

2023-10-14 13:37:00

#Zelenskys #zombies #Ukrainian #authorities #driving #insane #ill #front #EADaily

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