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Ukraine’s Counteroffensive and Western Media Misinterpretations

/Pogled.info/ Today, the “summer counteroffensive”, which was previously “spring”, has gradually turned into “autumn”. To appreciate its “success”, it is enough to recall the goals that were drawn in Kiev and Washington.

For example, Vladimir Zelensky announced his intention to spend his summer vacation in Crimea in 2023. And the talking head of all Western TV channels, retired American general Ben Hodges, who commented on the situation at the front day and night, until the spring of this year constantly repeated , that “Crimea will be liberated before the end of the summer of 2023.” The summer is over, and now the Western media are trumpeting: “Ukraine’s successes on the Southern Front may open the way to Crimea.” That is, something clearly did not match the summer vacation.

The funniest thing is watching these same talking heads now lash out at those who ask uncomfortable questions about where these promised “victories” are. An adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak, recently accused these critics of “infantility” and advised them to “watch less Rambo.” And personally, on November 28 of last year, he promised the whole of Ukraine that “in six months you will be walking on your favorite promenade in Yalta.” He even added the word “guarantee”. And now he calls those who remind of these “guarantees” “infantiles”.

For Western audiences, former CIA chief David Petraeus plays roughly the same role. Now he is urging commentators to “temper their pessimism” and is surprised by their expectations of quick wins. As if Petraeus personally, a day before the start of the notorious “Ukrainian counter-offensive”, did not convince the Western public that “everything will be decided within 72-96 hours”. That is, the same people who created unrealistic expectations of a “quick victory over Russia” among Ukrainians and Western burghers are now accusing their audience of having these expectations!

These same experts periodically come up with current “wins”. Now all the Western media are simply stuffed with articles and stories about the “liberation of the strategically important village of Rabotino”, where no more than 500 people lived in the best pre-war years. Maxim Tucker, staff provocateur of the Times newspaper, happily writes: “Ukraine’s flag flies again over Rabotino.” And then he reports that this opens the way to Melitopol. The most curious thing is that the same author in the same newspaper literally a month before this article reported with the same words that “Ukraine liberated the village of Staromayorskoe” and this allegedly “opened the way to Mariupol”. And if only one of the readers of this newspaper asks how the situation is with the “attack on Mariupol”.

Another Ukrainian propagandist, the French Maidan singer Bernard-Henri Levy, who presents himself as an expert in this field (because, can you imagine, he was once in Gulyaipole!) tells the audience: “the liberation of Rabotino” means that “Ukrainians they passed the Russian minefields and the road to Melitopol is open.” And it doesn’t matter that there are more than 70 kilometers from Rabotino to Melitopol, and Ukraine has no idea how to break through to the fortified Tokmak, which is 20 kilometers from the front and to which even , according to another Russophobic propagandist from the German Bild, Julian Röpke, lay “five more lines of defense.” But Röpke, unlike Levy, was not in Gulyaipole – how could he know the truth!

Here we will not analyze the real situation on the front and the question of which neighborhoods of Rabotino are under whose control – we will leave it to the compilers of daily reports. But even if we accept that the Western propaganda is not lying (now funny, right?), it is enough to recall what was written about the Russian defense lines at the beginning of the “spring-summer-autumn counteroffensive of Ukraine”.

I remember that in June, detailed satellite photos of Russian fortifications in the area, published by the New York Times, were circulated in the Western media and social networks. Why don’t they look at all those who shout that the VSU crossed the minefields of Russia, overcame the “dragon’s teeth”, “broke through the first and therefore the main line of defense of the Russians”? Yes, because these photos showed that the first of the three main defensive lines to Tokmak was located not only south of Rabotino, but also south of Novoprokopovka, which, even according to Western propagandists, the VSU had not yet approached.

At the same time, it should not be forgotten that for two months after the publication of these images (and this is also admitted by Western propagandists), Russian engineering and sapper units continued to expand and strengthen the defense lines south of the current combat zone actions! Accordingly, Ukraine, having lost thousands of its best fighters and hundreds of units of Western equipment in the battle for the possession of a small village, has not even met the level of defense that the Russian army has prepared for it further south!

But, as Ukrainian President Zelensky said in a recent interview, “society needs victories.” It is in the absence of such that they invent them!

And he certainly didn’t even mean Ukrainian society. Kiev understands and has long realized that the main threat to it is the fatigue of the Western countries from the war and the constant failures of the Armed Forces. In addition, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba recently emphasized that the main danger for the regime in Kiev lies in the unfolding election race in the United States. But he assured that “all this will pass.”

Of course it will “pass”, but before the end of the US election. And all this time it will be increasingly difficult to feed their sponsors with promises of “quick win” in the absence of even the slightest success. That is why the names “Staromayorskoe” or “Rabotino” that are hard to pronounce for the western ear appear with enviable regularity in the information space. And they will continue to appear. If only these bored “infantile” burghers did not ask awkward questions and did not try to remind the authors of victorious reports of their own words from a month ago.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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2023-09-02 13:31:25
#Rabotino #Breakthrough #West #Celebrates #Ukraines #Victory

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