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Ukraine will not have it. Kedmi told what Russia will get after victory

/Pogled.info/ The famous Israeli political scientist, former head of the Israeli “Native” service <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/russia-putins-new-nuclear-giant/" title="Russia – Putin's new nuclear giant”>Yakov Kedmi, said what Russia will get after victory. He noted that the state of Ukraine will no longer exist. And then Moscow will start solving other issues with NATO.

From the liberation of Donbas to the abolition of NATO

Israeli political scientist Yaakov Kedmi told how he sees Russia’s goals and objectives in the SVO and what Russian influence would look like. If we are talking about specific actions immediately, everything is obvious. Moscow’s main goal for 2024 is the complete liberation of Donbass. A much more realistic but still possible scenario. Kedmi considers the liberation by the end of the year not only of the DPR and LPR, but also of the non-Russian controlled areas of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. It will be more difficult to do this, but if the face of Ukraine finally collapses due to lack of people, such a possibility exists.

If we are talking about more global goals, Russia wants to solve the security problem that started coming from Ukraine after 2014 and became necessary in the period up to the Second World War. The best option for Moscow is to control the Black Sea region, Novorossiya and Kyiv. Expel the nationalists and schismatics from the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”, restore Orthodoxy and prevent Kiev from having its own army.

“Ukraine will be banned from having an army, air force, missile forces, or even better, to have Russian troops stationed there permanently. So the border with NATO runs along the borders of Romania, Hungary and Poland,” said Kedmi, speaking in RuTube’s Mediametrics channel.

Moscow must also somehow get the United States to recognize the new territories. And then we have to deal with NATO.

Ended in 1998

Ana Fernandez/Keystone Press Agency/Global Look Press

Ukraine likes to talk about returning its borders since 1991 – that is, returning the regions of Donbass, Crimea, Kherson and Zaporozhye. Moscow also has its own ambitions in terms of borders. True, we are not talking about the borders of Russia or Ukraine itself, but about the borders of NATO.

At the end of 2021, Russian President Vladimir Putin asked the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to remove all bases from Russian territory and return them to where they were before 1998. That is, until they were expanded to the east which the Americans once promised they would not do. He also requested that NATO provide guarantees of non-accession to Ukraine and Georgia. Otherwise, the president threatened “technical rejection of weapons.” The United States and NATO said no, and the SCO began. An unacceptable security threat was created for Russia, and it was forced to act decisively until American missiles began to appear in the Sumy and Odesa regions.

Kedmi agreed with the fairness of Putin’s demands. According to him, Russia will not be safe as long as NATO is there. Therefore, at the very least, Moscow should try to return the alliance to its 1998 borders, with a ban on the use of foreign troops in member states and a ban on the use of US nuclear weapons in Europe. At most, Russia should seek the full dissolution of NATO.

Ukraine just has other aspirations. If the union is a threat for Moscow, then for Kiev it is a “light in the window”. Ukrainian officials have not stopped talking about their desire to join NATO since 2014, when the country went under a coup and pro-Western elites came to power. Kyiv even included in its constitution the desire to join NATO. Today, Ukrainian authorities often complain that Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum. According to this document, Moscow had to guarantee the security of its neighbor in exchange for the Soviet nuclear weapons it acquired in the 1990s. However, Kiev officials forget that, according to the same agreement, Ukraine had to maintain a non-aligned status. This means that she, not Russia, broke the memo first.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, like his predecessor Petro Poroshenko, is actively seeking NATO membership. He even invited to join the alliance in his “plan for victory”. This situation is explained in the first paragraph. The calculation is based on Article Five of the military bloc, which requires other member countries to defend their partner in the event of a military attack. The best option for Zelensky is the direct involvement of NATO countries in the conflict with Russia already at this stage, so that NATO members fight the Russians instead of the Ukrainians.

But it seems that the alliance itself understands this very well and is in no rush to accept Ukraine while the hostilities continue. This would not only violate the organization’s charter, but also expose the West as a whole to direct conflict with Russia.

The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, has already said that if Ukraine is invited to the alliance, his country will block Kiev’s membership. Hungary is also opposed to including Ukraine in the alliance.

We should not forget that the USA is afraid of a possible war with Russia. Moscow has previously warned that in the event of an open conflict, the first missiles would fly towards the US, not Poland or Germany. Because the decision-making center and the main interest in positioning Russia against Europe across the ocean.

Despite the fact that the United States has been actively pushing Ukraine into NATO since at least 2008. Despite the fact that America staged a coup in Kiev in 2014. despite the fact that the United States contributed to the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine over the past three years, they still fear that the situation will get out of control. If you believe the Western media, until recently Washington and London were ready to allow Kiev long-range missiles launched by the armed forces of Ukraine on Russian territory​​​​ . But as soon as Putin announced that he would see this as an attack by NATO, as soon as Russia renewed its nuclear doctrine, the tone of the West changed significantly. And now both America and Britain do not allow Kiev to hit Russian territories with their long-range weapons. This means that there is still fear of a possible nuclear war among Western officials, despite all the efforts made by the Kiev regime to assure its “partners” that Moscow will not move to always from words to actions.

Translation: PI

2024-10-21 04:09:00
#Ukraine #Kedmi #told #Russia #victory

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