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Ukraine War – – The invasion has stopped

The British Ministry of Defense reports in the morning that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has serious problems.

– The invasion has for the most part stopped on all fronts, the ministry writes.

– Big losses

They elaborate that the Russian forces, according to the British intelligence information, have “had minimal progress on land, at sea and in the air in recent days”.

– They still have big losses, they write.

The main reason is the strong Ukrainian opposition.

THEATER BOMBET: A theater in Mariupol with civilians is said to have been bombed by Russian forces.
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– It is still steadfast and well coordinated. The vast majority of Ukrainian territory, including all major cities, is still in Ukrainian hands, according to the update.

– Bombed despite «CHILDREN»

Mayor of Ukraine’s second largest city Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Shenkevich, condemns the Russian attack on a theater in the port city of Mariupol, which is also located in the south of the country.

Ukrainian authorities say between 1,000 and 1,200 civilians were inside the building and used it as a living space when the attack took place yesterday. So far, there has been little information about the extent of the damage.

– I would call this Russian Nazism, because they killed people. When they say that they are trying to “de-Nazify”, or “demilitarize” Ukraine, it is total nonsense, as they only kill civilians, Syenkevych says to BBC.

“CHILDREN”: The satellite image of the theater clearly shows that “CHILDREN” is written in front of and behind the building, as a warning to enemy aircraft. Photo: Maxar Technologies / EyePress News / Shutterstock / NTB
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Satellite images of the building, taken two days ago, show that “CHILDREN” was written in Russian in large, white letters in the square both in front of and behind the building.

– I think they like the taste of blood, the Ukrainian mayor continues.

According to the news agency RIA, Russia’s Ministry of Defense denies having targeted the theater. Instead, they claim that right-wing Ukrainian militia blew up the building – without providing evidence, according to Sky News.

This morning, the authorities in Mariupol report that there are survivors, as the refuge is intact. How many have survived is unclear, according to Reuters.

– Shoot down planes

The fighting is still raging over large parts of the country.

Ukrainian forces are said to have shot down a Russian plane over the Kyiv region last night. It writes Ukrainian Interfaxquoting the country’s defense chief, Valery Zaluzhny.

In addition, another Russian military plane is said to have been destroyed in the same area, Zaluzhny claims.

A number of targets in Ukraine have been hit by bombs or artillery shells. In Merefa in Kharkiv Oblast, it is reported that a school has been badly damaged. In Darnytskyi Kyiv Oblast, one person was reported killed after the remains of a cut-off rocket hit a residential building.

27 residential buildings have been destroyed in Russian artillery attacks on Rubizhne in Luhansk Oblast, in the east of the country, according to Satellite News ATO.

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