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Ukraine-Russia war, Italy in pre-alarm for gas: what it means

Ukraine-Russia war, declared a state of pre-alarm in Italy for gas due to the current situation. This is a first step of three and which only involves monitoring the situation.

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The Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Competent Authority for the security of natural gas supplies, reads a note posted on the Snam site, “considering the current state of war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine and that this situation persists on the territory through which most of the natural gas supplies that supply the Italian system pass, considering that the level of danger of the threat to supplies is significantly higher than that envisaged in the risk analyzes carried out in the past in compliance with the 2017/1938 EU Regulation , from which the current preventive and emergency action plans derive “, has” deemed it appropriate to prepare exceptional preventive measures aimed at encouraging early storage filling with respect to the procedures adopted under normal conditions, as also discussed in the European forum during the last meeting of the Gas Coordination Group of 23 February “, and” deemed o it is appropriate to sensitize the users of the national gas system of the situation of uncertainty linked to the aforementioned conflict also in relation to the implementation of the Guidance Act of the Minister of Ecological Transition of 24 February 2022, although the supply situation is currently adequate to cover internal demand, pursuant to Article 11, letter a), of EU Regulation 2017/1938 and point 2.1 of the Emergency Plan of the Italian natural gas system (Annex 2 to the Ministerial Decree of 18 December 2019 and subsequent amendments and additions), after consulting the Technical Emergency and Monitoring Committee of the national gas system, it declares the state of pre-alarm “.

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