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Ukraine-Russia, Orsini on TV in Cartabianca becomes a political case

The presence of Professor Alessandro Orsini in Cartabianca, with the rumors relating to an attendance fee, become a political case. Orsini has been a constant presence on TV for weeks with his views and analyzes on the war between Ukraine and Russia. Some positions, like the one expressed in Cartabianca in the episode of 22 March, have fueled discussions and controversies. Now the professor of sociology of international terrorism is also in the spotlight for the remuneration he would receive for appearing at Cartabianca.

“I have been asked by many to do an in-depth analysis and we will deal with it in the Rai Supervisory Committee”. Also “with respect to the remuneration, a check must be made. Rai is not a private company, the fee is paid”, says Valeria Fedeli, senator of the Democratic Party and member of the Rai Supervisory Commission, thus speaking to Adnkronos about the contract that Rai would have signed with Orsini for a series of appearances on TV in the broadcast of Raitre and for which there is talk of a fee of 2000 euros per episode. “The commission can and must also investigate this aspect in depth”.

In the meantime, critical statements arrive from the Pd towards the positions taken by the professor, who also on social networks proves to be an extremely divisive figure. “Orsini is right to freely express his thoughts, God forbid. But I must also pay for it, even not. Crazy stuff”, wrote the governor of Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini on Twitter.

“It is unacceptable that public television money is used to pay for the speeches of Alessandro Orsini, who pollutes and disorients the public debate with untruths and historical reconstructions that are, to say the least, questionable in support of Putin”, says the vice president of the European Parliament, Pina Picierno.

“Freedom of expression is a fundamental value and a pillar of our democracy: Orsini, in fact, can say what he thinks precisely because he is in a country like Italy and not like Russia. However, it is one thing to express one’s thoughts. , another communicate false news and data. Rai, precisely in its public service mission and by virtue of its contract, must not lend its side and pay for operations of ill-concealed propaganda but concentrate every effort to offer free information to the public debate and founded, as it usually does “, adds the representative of the Democratic Party.

Orsini is not criticized only by the dem. “It is embarrassing that Rai has signed Alessandro Orsini to speak to Cartabianca. Everyone can think as he wants, but taking money from our state TV to go on TV to express pro-Putin positions is too much. Rai, at least Rai, is not it can be equidistant “, says on Twitter Marco Di Maio, deputy of Italia Viva.

In defense of the professor, Nicola Morra, president of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, takes sides. “It seems to me that the pillory against Orsini comments for itself. It is the fear of the opinion of others that denotes the argumentative poverty of those who resort to censorship when there is no content to oppose. Freedom means listening and accepting comparison”, he writes on Facebook.

“Orsini has never apologized for any despotic regime, but above all he spoke the truth by recalling the defaults and omissions on the part of the so-called ‘righteous’ who are such because they say it for themselves”, he concludes.

Meanwhile, the professor is preparing to return to TV, this time in Piazzapulita on La7. On Thursday 24 March the presence of Orsini is announced in the broadcast that Corrado Formigli will present on a day characterized by the EU Council and the NATO summit in which the President of the United States Joe Biden will also take part.

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