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Ukraine: Russia continues to mass its troops nearby (NATO)

Russian military trucks crossing the bridge connecting Crimea to Russia. Moscow, which broadcasts these images, claims that its exercises have ended in the peninsula annexed to the south of Ukraine and that some of its soldiers are returning to their garrison. Westerners would like to see this as a first sign of relaxation, but the United States, like NATO, affirms on the contrary that the Kremlin will continue to send troops to Ukraine’s doorstep.

So far, we haven’t seen any de-escalation on the ground. On the contrary, it seems that Russia is continuing its military build-up and we have not received a response to a written document or written proposals that we sent to Russia on January 26, describing the subjects and points on which the NATO allies are ready to talk with Russia to try to find a political way forward” Explain Jens Stoltenbergthe Secretary General of NATO.

We have heard messages from Moscow regarding its willingness to continue diplomatic efforts, and we are ready to discuss. But Russia must walk the talk, withdraw its forces, ease tensions“, added Jens Stoltenberg.

The European Union is able to do without Russian gas this winter

But in the event of an attack by Russia, massive economic sanctions will be applied, warned Americans and Europeans. The European executive calls on Moscow to take concrete measures to reduce tensions. And ensures not to fear that it cuts the tap of the gas.

We have over the past few weeks considered all possible disruption scenarios should Russia decide to partially or completely cut off gas supplies to the European Union. And I can say today that our models show, with all the measures we have taken, that we are now safe for this winter” highlighted Ursula von der LeyenPresident of the European Commission.

A giant Ukrainian flag unfurled in the Kiev stadium: faced with the threat of a Russian invasion, Ukraine celebrates this Wednesday a “Day of Unity” at the request of its president. Volodymyr Zelensky traveling to Mariupol, the last major city in the East controlled by Kiev and considered among the most threatened because it is located about twenty kilometers from the front line with the pro-Russian separatists.

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