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Ukraine Launches Deadly HIMARS Attack on Russian Units: Lessons Learned and Strategic Mistakes Made

Ukraine launched a deadly HIMARS attack on five Russian units gathered on a beach, according to reports. The attack resulted in 200 casualties and destroyed equipment, although the number of soldiers killed could not be independently confirmed. Experts have said that the Russian units flouted a key wartime rule by gathering in big, open spaces, making them vulnerable to attack. The strike took place on Dzharylhach island in the Black Sea, which is located about 40 miles from the nearest frontline. The American-made HIMARS missile launcher has a range of up to 50 miles, and it is believed that Ukraine either moved a HIMARS up close or found a way to put it within range on the island. The attack highlights a serious communication problem within Russia’s military, as it comes just weeks after a similar strike was executed. Experts have advised Russia not to cut their range calculations too closely and to be more cautious in their military operations.Ukraine Launches Deadly HIMARS Attack on Russian Units Gathered on Beach

In a surprising turn of events, Ukraine announced that it had launched a deadly HIMARS attack on five Russian units gathered on a beach. The attack resulted in 200 casualties and destroyed equipment, according to Ukrainian reports. However, the exact number of soldiers killed in the attack could not be independently confirmed by Insider.

The strike took place on Dzharylhach island, a sandbank in the Black Sea that is located in the Russian-occupied Kherson region. The island recently became a training ground for active military units, providing them with a place to recover and train. Ukrainian media outlets reported that the Russian soldiers were seen stretching and standing in plain sight on the shore just moments before the HIMARS munitions struck.

Experts have pointed out that the Russian units flouted a key wartime rule by gathering in a big, open space. Simon Miles, an assistant professor at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, stated that massing troops within striking range of the Ukrainians is unwise. He added that the Russian military may have believed they were far enough away to enjoy some kind of sanctuary, but that was clearly not the case.

Dzharylhach island is located about 40 miles from the nearest frontline, which may have given Russia a false sense of security. The HIMARS missile launcher is an advanced weapon system that can fire missiles up to 50 miles. Mark Cancian, a retired US Marine Corps colonel, explained that the Ukrainians either moved a HIMARS up close or found a way to put it on an island or barge to get it in range.

The attack on the Russian units highlights a serious communication problem within Russia’s military. Miles blamed the country’s top-down approach to disseminating information for the repeated mistakes. He noted that while the Russian military is learning from its mistakes on a basic level, disseminating that knowledge across a large force spread geographically is a challenge.

The strike is likely to worsen morale among Russian soldiers, especially those who thought they were enjoying a period of relative respite at Dzharylhach island. Miles stated that Ukraine is denying Russian troops at training grounds the sanctuary to train, rest, and refit, which will have long-term effects.

This incident serves as a lesson for the Russians to not underestimate their adversary and to avoid cutting their range calculations too closely. The Ukrainian HIMARS attacks have proven to be effective in targeting high-value Russian units, and Russia needs to reassess its tactics and strategies to prevent further losses.
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What were the potential risks Russian units exposed themselves to by gathering in an open space, making themselves vulnerable to attack?

Re the attack. This exposed a serious tactical error on the part of the Russian units, as they violated a key wartime rule by gathering in an open space, making themselves vulnerable to attack.

The attack was carried out using the American-made HIMARS missile launcher, which has a range of up to 50 miles. It is believed that Ukraine either moved a HIMARS launcher closer to the island or found a way to put it within range on Dzharylhach. This highlights a significant communication problem within the Russian military, as it marks the second time in recent weeks that a similar strike has been executed.

Experts have advised Russia to exercise caution in their military operations and not to cut their range calculations too closely. The Russian units’ careless positioning on the beach shows a lack of understanding of the potential risks they face. By exposing themselves in such a manner, they made themselves easy targets for Ukraine’s HIMARS attack.

The situation in the region remains tense, as both Ukraine and Russia are engaged in a protracted conflict. The attack on the Russian units further escalates tensions and serves as a reminder of the volatile nature of the conflict. It is crucial for both sides to exercise restraint and adhere to established military protocols to prevent further bloodshed and destruction.

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