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Ukraine latest news. Plane alert across the country. Pope: It’s World War III, let’s ask ourselves what we can do

Pope, the poor are the most penalized victims of every crisis

On this World Day of the Poor, the Word of Jesus is a powerful reminder to break that inner deafness that prevents us from hearing the stifled cry of pain of the weakest”, he said Pope francesco during mass with the poor in St. Peter’s Basilica. “Even today – he highlighted – we live in wounded societies and we are witnessing, just as the Gospel has told us, scenarios of violence, just think of the cruelties that the Ukrainian people are undergoing, of injustice and persecution; in addition, we must face the crisis generated by climate change and the pandemic, which has left behind a trail of not only physical, but also psychological, economic and social ailments”.

“Even today – continued the Pontiff – we see people rise up against people and we witness in anguish the vehement expansion of conflicts, the calamity of war, which causes the death of so many innocent people and multiplies the poison of hatred”. “Even today, much more than yesterday, many brothers and sisters, tried and discouraged, migrate in search of hope, and many people live in precariousness due to lack of employment or unjust and unworthy working conditions”, added Francis. “And even today – he concluded – the poor are the most penalized victims of every crisis. But, if our heart is muffled and indifferent, we are unable to hear their feeble cry of pain, to cry with them and for them, to see how much loneliness and anguish are hidden even in the forgotten corners of our cities”.

Ukraine, Pope: “Peace for people who suffer the cruelty of mercenaries”

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