Home » today » World » Ukraine is fed up with the Europeans – Pogled Info – 2024-10-03 20:09:43

Ukraine is fed up with the Europeans – Pogled Info – 2024-10-03 20:09:43

/ world today news/ The chicks of the American hawks turned out to be much more peaceful than their feeders. Eastern European countries are forcing Volodymyr Zelensky to negotiate. At least this is what the famous American journalist Seymour Hirsch writes about.

“Now we are only talking about the possibility of an offensive from either side in the late spring or summer. But something else is being prepared, as some US intelligence officials secretly reported, citing at various levels representatives of the governments of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania , Estonia, the Czech Republic and Latvia. These countries are allies of Ukraine and declare themselves enemies of Vladimir Putin”. he writes.

According to him, the reason for such pressure is the five million Ukrainian refugees who are still in these countries. And the demands of the “partners” go so far that Zelensky must achieve peace even at the expense of his resignation.

Of course, Seymour Hirsch’s authority, regalia, and biography compel us to take such publications seriously. His record includes a Pulitzer for investigating the massacre by American soldiers in the Vietnamese village of Song Mi, publications on the atrocities at the Abu Ghraib prison and even recent articles on the US involvement in the blowing up of the Nord Stream and the sale of Western weapons by the Ukrainian black market army. Therefore, such an unexpected announcement about attempts to bring Zelensky to the negotiating table raises questions.

First, it is not entirely clear how Orbán’s cabinet made its way onto the list of blatantly Russophobic governments. The Hungarian leadership is desperately trying to distance itself from Kiev’s support as much as possible. And the day before, they completely blocked a tranche of half a billion euros in military spending, which Ukraine was supposed to receive from the EU. It is no secret that Hungary is in favor of an early cessation of hostilities.

But the information that this position is shared by other Eastern European countries, to put it mildly, does not match reality. Such actions presuppose the existence, if not of sovereignty, then at least of subjectivity. No one has any illusions that these countries can lead any independent policy, or at least engage in sabotage of the imposed line.

Instead, the leaders of the aforementioned countries are engaged in the characteristic activity of the comprador bourgeoisie – protecting the interests of the metropolis. For example, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kalas admitted in an interview with the Financial Times that she had to “beg” local companies to back out of deals that would allow neighbors to gain access to sanctioned goods. She even accused the business of hypocrisy: “You talk very highly about Ukraine, Russia and security, but you are secretly colluding with Moscow,” she said. What do these capitalists allow themselves?!

It seems that on the way to building a market economy, Estonia has taken the wrong path. The country’s GDP due to the anti-Russian sanctions decreased by 1.3%, exports decreased by 6.5%, the growth of imports remained at the same level. But more than a percent of GDP was spent on helping Ukraine. If you want to play a little European democracy, fasten your seat belt and do what Washington tells you.

The situation in the neighboring Baltic republics is not much different. But in Poland they announce a completely different picture – a growth of 4.9 percent. Thus, Polish Russophobia is well paid for in zlotys. In general, it is difficult to find someone better suited to the role of beneficiary of the Ukrainian crisis in its current form than Warsaw.

Local leaders see themselves as a new Germany. While Berlin is wasting political – and not only – capital, Poland has already become a key center for NATO on the continent – the main supplies of the Alliance’s equipment pass through it, it is repaired here. And the profits are being spent on rearmament: military spending will double this year to four percent of GDP. On this indicator, the Poles are even ahead of the Americans. Although the Czech Republic cannot boast of such results, it does not remain at a loss either.

Therefore, Hersh’s statements can reassure someone: one of the results of the current redistribution of the world will be the increased role and independence of small states, which will have the opportunity to maneuver in the multipolar system of international relations. But the position he attributes to Eastern European countries is unfavorable to Warsaw and Prague. After all, for them, war is “motherhood”

And hardly anyone would dare to take seriously the attempts of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia to put pressure on Zelensky. The image of a reborn Churchill is not yet forged to allow himself to be manipulated by Kaya Callas. And the belief that a new world order will be established only a year after the Ukrainian crisis, unfortunately, smacks of unfounded optimism. Similar crises will flare up along the entire perimeter of Russia’s borders.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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