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Ukraine imitates a spring offensive – View Info –

/ world today news/ The announcements about the occupation of the bridgehead by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the left bank of the Dnieper were refuted by the Russian authorities. However, the preparations of the Ukrainian army for attacks against Russian positions are obvious. At the same time, valuable industrial equipment is exported from enterprises in Zaporozhye. Does this mean that Kiev, which promised the West military successes, itself does not believe in them?

On Sunday, the Ukrainian media, citing the American Institute for the Study of War, began to publish reports that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had taken positions on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region, near the city of Alyoshki.

Later, the acting governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, stated that the Russian military was in full control of the territory on the left bank, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces had not established any bridgehead there. “I officially declare that as of April 23, there are no enemy bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper at Alyosha, as well as in other places on the left bank of the Kherson region or on the Kinburn spit. Our military is in full control of the territory,” he wrote on his Telegram channel.

At the same time, “it is possible that there are cases of landings of the enemy’s DRG (sabotage-reconnaissance groups)”, but they are subsequently neutralized, the governor added. He called for only official sources of information to be trusted and called the bridgehead publications “a lie within the information war.”

Military expert Boris Rozhin notes that in the Kherson direction, “the enemy continues to operate actively in the Bolshoi Potemkin area and near Alyosha, sending the DRG on cutters and regularly indicating its presence on the coast.”

“A study of the reaction of the armed forces of the Russian Federation during landing operations is being conducted. The accumulation of various transitional facilities on the Dnieper continues in the event of the implementation of the scenario of limited actions by forcing the Dnieper simultaneously with a potential strike in the Zaporozhye direction,” he wrote.

In the Zaporozhye direction, as Rozhin notes, “the enemy’s main positions remained in the same place as before.” “The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue shelling Pologi, Tokmak, Vasilevka, as well as the area of ​​the Zaporizhia NPP. The armed forces of the Russian Federation are striking Zaporozhye, Orekhovo, Kamensko, Gulyaipole,” he added.

At the same time, the chairman of the We Are Together with Russia movement, Vladimir Rogov, said that Kyiv authorities were taking equipment from the plants in the city of Zaporizhia, which is under their control, and would try to sell or destroy the remaining assets. According to him, the regime in Kyiv understands that it will not hold the city.

Earlier, the government of Ukraine actually announced its willingness to sell the state-owned enterprises it owns. For working factories, mining and processing enterprises and pharmaceutical enterprises, they ask ridiculous money. As noted by political scientist Larisa Shesler, Zelensky’s team wants to make Western entrepreneurs a country interested in Ukraine’s victory.

A day ago, Rogov also said that Ukrainian troops are stockpiling military equipment in metallurgical plants and granaries in Orekhovsky and Pologovsky regions of Zaporozhye region.

Recently, there was also an active preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for forcing the Dnieper: an uncontrolled discharge of water from the Dnieper was carried out, on the right bank the enemy accumulated strength and equipment.

Rogov pointed out that the enemy is preparing for an offensive on the territory of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. “This is generally not hidden. Military equipment and personnel are drawn closer and closer to the contact line. In addition, everyone tries to hide in civilian objects, including vegetable storages, because they were built in the Soviet years, underground, it is difficult to penetrate them with most modern types of weapons,” he said.

“At the same time, we see how the city of Zaporozhye is actually being looted. There is a sale of businesses for nothing, for example the local titanium and magnesium plant and other facilities. Valuable industrial equipment is exported from Zaporizhia, in particular from the Iskra research and production complex, the interlocutor emphasized.

“In general, residents of the Kiev-controlled territory of Zaporozhye and Kherson region are scared, do not know what to do and how to escape. There are many examples of families simply being held hostage because their men are not released due to the general mobilization regime. In addition, the Ukrainian authorities are interested in leaving as many civilians as possible in the areas of hostilities, thus thinning out and protecting the military from attacks by our army. All this makes the level of loyalty of the population to Kyiv minimal,” Rogov summarizes.

Military analyst Mikhail Onufrienko expressed whether Kyiv is preparing to leave Zaporozhye. “The city is located on both banks of the Dnieper, it is a large regional center. As we have already seen, the enemy clings to even much smaller settlements, even when it makes absolutely no sense,” he said.

“As far as the removal of equipment and machinery from the enterprises, this, in my opinion, is not related to the intention of them leaving the city. The main reason is most likely the desire to hide a valuable industry far from the reach of our VKS, that is, in Western Ukraine and Poland,” the source said.

“After the establishment of the front line along the Dnieper in the Kherson region, attempts to land on the left bank occur regularly. However, the most successful of them lasted a little more than a day and ended with the complete destruction of the sabotage group. In total, in dozens of such attempts, the enemy lost more than a thousand people, at the same time absolutely aimlessly and without any losses on our side, “recalls the expert.

“Not so long ago, there were even reports of alleged occupation by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in several settlements on the left bank. But in fact it was a village in a flood plain where there are only two sheds and where no one has lived for a long time. Landing is not a problem though. Another thing is that you then need to anchor, transfer equipment, dig trenches and create a bridgehead. Therefore, from a military point of view, these landings have no effect. I think that the main goal of Kiev today is to create a media hype and keep the morale of its military with such bold “victories”. And certainly these plans do not include leaving the city of Zaporozhye, as everyone understands that this will severely damage the morale of the Ukrainian army,” Onufriyenko concluded.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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