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Ukraine has requested over 30 types of weapons from Bulgaria

Ukraine has asked Bulgaria to supply more than 30 types of weapons from Bulgaria. This was announced by the ambassador of Ukraine to our country Vitaly Moskalenko to the BNT.

He indicated that he had been following the debates in parliament on the provision of military aid to Ukraine very closely. He considers the decision of the Bulgarian National Assembly “very correct”.

The list is quite large and varied: from air defense equipment to howitzers, helicopters and planes.

“We want different types of weapons from Bulgaria from the beginning. In a list to the Ministry of Defense, we have indicated more than 30 items, including air defense means, which are now most needed. As you know, due to the bombing and bombing with rockets and drones, such a weapon is extremely necessary S-300, as well as anti-aircraft missile complexes, installations The question of supplying 152 mm howitzers, self-propelled artillery installations, shells, mortars, etc. remains relevantuh “Vitaly Moskalenko said.

According to him, the list can be satisfied on many points, because Bulgaria has these weapons.

“Previously we requested Su-25 and MiG-29 helicopters and aircraft. All the armaments that Bulgaria has at its disposal since the USSR are absolutely necessary for us and for Ukraine.”added Ambassador Moskalenko.

What Bulgaria is ready to deliver to Kiev will be clear within a month. Defense Minister Dimitar Stoyanov has already said twice that expectations should be conservative and that our country will not provide the anti-aircraft missile complexes Ukraine needs, only ammunition.

Ambassador Moskalenko stressed that in connection with the energy crisis in his country after Russian missile attacks on critical infrastructure, Bulgaria has also asked for help in the form of electricity generators. But still no solution.

“The Council of Ministers should have examined the matter a week ago, but it has been postponed to next week”Moskalenko said.

He stressed that Bulgaria has not repaired Ukrainian weapons despite the agreement concluded between the two governments in May.

“A former defense minister said that under this agreement we are counting on the repair of the tanks that we should get from a neighboring country that has in the name Severna (North Macedonia). They gave Ukraine T-72 tanks, but their renovation and refurbishment was carried out in Ukrainian enterprises – Moskalenko said. – The idea was to repair exactly this equipment in Bulgarian enterprises. It turned out that the repair possibilities in Bulgaria were not profitable, due to long terms – in a month or two to repair 1-2 pieces. Perhaps the Bulgarian enterprises would do them qualitatively, but for a long time, with great difficulty … And what other equipment should we repair here? you have to deliver them to Bulgaria and then back again – not profitable “, Moskalenko explained.

In front of the TV “Bulgaria on Air”, the gen. Sabi Sabev told what weapons our country can supply to Ukraine.

“What we have in reserve are T-72 tanks, armored personnel carriers, we also have more rocket launchers, which Ukraine badly needs, we also have self-propelled artillery installations, which are also necessary for defense. We also have the means for air defense, outside those S-300s, which are too often referred to in the commentary.in”, Sabev said.

According to him, our country has enough to give to Kiev, including different types of ammunition, small arms and mortars.

“If Bulgaria does its job well, even in the diplomatic aspect, it can ask for replacement capabilities from our NATO allies – Germany, Great Britain, the US and Italy – in place of the heavy weapons delivered. As Greece did – for having supplied almost 200 Soviet-made infantry machines, received the corresponding ones from Germany, but much more modern and reliable.It’s all a matter of diplomacy“, said the gen. Subev.

He stressed that there is an EU fund that compensates some countries that mainly supply heavy weapons to Ukraine. These funds, with which the fund reimburses them, can also be used to purchase the weapon systems that Bulgaria needs, said gen. Subev. He pointed out that some countries have already received euro funds for this.

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